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Everything posted by Stelaras

  1. Thanks . My REX3 is dead , but now i have one X58-OC available . I'll try it soon .
  2. My nickname is wrong . We (The Greek team) also want to stay for a few more days . Did you find any cheap & good hotel ??
  3. Nice . Is this with the Gigabyte OC board ????
  4. Very nice score ! I also lost one good 2600K on an MSI GD80 while trying wprime 2 weeks ago. That CPU was a 57X one and it was playing for some months on a maximus IV with no issues. It died 2 seconds after pressing the "run" button on the MSI . After this , i have to say that i will avoid like the devil to put a CPU again on an MSI board .
  5. I haven't tried with 68X0 . Only 5870 & 6970 . Did you try with other drivers also ? Can you please write the scores you have with and without the tweaks ? I want to see the scaling .
  6. Glad i could help .
  7. As i'm pretty sure many people want to know , here is the tranparent tweak i found a week ago ... This one gives a pretty nice boost to 12K + . You just have to move the mouse while running transparent test. Try to find the optimal speed . You don't have to move it all through the run . Sometimes moving it for a few secs is what needed . I found ikt accidentaly while browsing with my 2nd PC . I share the same mousepad and i accidentaly moved the bench rig mouse while browsing with the 2nd .
  8. You don't have to use rivatuner . Just check at the installed folder > Program files > Rivatuner > Tools > d3doverrider . Run the d3doverrider and select the following options : High , On , Off. For the LOD , you have to use setlod application . Its here :http://ftpbackup.mojostech.net/download/Benchmark%20Tweaks/SetLODb6/SetLODb6.zip With high clocks , 5000 is percfectly legit .
  9. Hey Goddy , Thanks ! I also one managed a 133K run with vga watercooled , but i would like to try it under subzero .
  10. Nice score !! It seems 580 is the best card right now for 01 I think this is the tweak people is looking for ... OK ... Here is what i found myself . Open nvidia inspector and go to the elevated settings . The press the third button from the right "show unknown settings from nvidia predefined profiles" Then you will see some more options available . Search lower at the "unknown settings" There is an option "pre_d3d9_compatibility_bits" . Just pull the arrow and select the 0x00000040 option . Now get to play with this favorite game .
  11. Nice !!! I remember last year when we made the 38K run , we were trying to find a controller to test. After some research , i noticed that a controller seems to lack at 4K tests . I have stored in one of my HDD a crystaldiskmark with the 2 acards on ICHxR . That was the reason we could make high virus scan scores . With a raid contoller you get a nice boost and general usage though . I'll try to locate it and upload it just for reference . You still didn't answer me about this ...I can't find what i'm missing because i have never commented in the past ...
  12. Tried d3doverrider ??? Lod what value ? Try around 15.00 .
  13. Just an update ... It's been a few days since i logged in here and i'm trying to catch up . I found the "tweak" by myself . It's nothing special . Clean and totally legit . It gives a transparent score around 13000 at win7 . Don't know about vista , but i suspect around 30000 possible.
  14. Then i have to apology because it seems the way i wrote it was not good . I explained before what the issue was but you took it the wrong way. Subzero score seems on par with the majority of scores . Maybe the web page rendering is a bit high , but i can't say until i test it myself and see some runs from other people . When you see the 99% of scores and the subtest at the same clocks are very close , it's for sure not normal to see a few scores with high subtest results. I don't have any reason not to believe that the transparent tweak is normal if hwbot staff say it's OK . What i believe it must be done is set some kind of borders/limits to the subtests . The truth is that few people know how to properly tweak pcmark and you are one of them for sure . We should all bench at same settings as with every other benchmarks . What i would like to see from the hwbot staff is to give some rules on what is allowed or not . For example , can we change the video encoding resolution or not ? Can we adjust the video encoding filters or not ? The codec ?? Can we adjust the visual settings or not ? etc etc ... I'll tell you again . I'm not telling that you cheated . And please explain this : "you can't just keep calling me out every time i do something you don't understand and expect me to hand it over with a smile on my face.. " When did i write a bad comment in the past regarding a score of yours ??? Please give a link . Feel free to check the Greek forums and see it yourself . I have read some ways to do this with WMV powertoy and registry settings . But, is it acceptable by hwbot and futuremark ??
  15. James , i think you misunderstood my comment . Did i say you have cheated ???? I'm sure you can make this score again . No need for video taping . What makes me wonder is that there are 5 people who can make so high transparent and video encoding scores . It seems they know some tweaks and can do it . My comment was just because : Your video is around 300-400 higher than the normal scores . Transparent is around 3000 higher than the usual scores .
  16. What i can tell about the latest video encoding boost that people saw a few months ago is that all it does is to use all the CPU cores . How to do this ? Simply install the latest Pcmark05 1.2.2 build from futuremark (it appears as 1.2 but it's 1.2.2. in reality) ... and after that install a newer Futuremark Systeminfo (V3.6 or V4) . After that your video encoding speed will go up from 2XXX to 3600 . About the transparent i haven't found any way to give it a boost. I'm stuck at 8000-9000 at 5700Mhz 2600K . I have played with registry settings .... Blur , Alpha blend , Aero tweaks etc . I just have a feeling that it's something with the 3d acceleration . 3D pixel shader needs LOD , gpu clocks ... and direct3doverrider with triple buffer enabled and vsync disabled . That virus scan you found is way too high for sure . Web page rendering needs to close all the IE addons and play with some advanced settings . If i remember something else , i'll post it . Agree 100% .
  17. No , it still scales with cpu even with aero . The gain with higher gpu clocks is very little . I have tested it many times . Vista and 2008 server is faster .
  18. I was looking the pcmark scores and found some results that have high transparent windows at win7 . Transparent scales with cpu clocks . It's like a cpu benchmark . For example ... 1st) http://hwbot.org/submission/2160869_omega3_pcmark_2005_core_i7_2600k_35882_marks 11000 transparent , win7 , 2600k @ 5300 . 2nd) http://hwbot.org/submission/2178436_s_a_v_pcmark_2005_core_i7_2600k_35748_marks 10800 transparent , win7x64 , 2600k @ 5500 . 3rd) http://hwbot.org/submission/2160841_gyrock_pcmark_2005_core_i7_2600k_34673_marks 10800 transparent , win7x64 , 2600k @ 5300 . 4th) http://hwbot.org/submission/2165869_yancyan_pcmark_2005_core_i7_2600k_33136_marks 10800 transparent , win7 , 2600k @ 5500 . 5th) http://hwbot.org/submission/2142160_s_a_v_pcmark_2005_core_i5_2500k_34344_marks 12800 transparent , win7 , 2500k @ 5400 . 6th) http://hwbot.org/submission/2142470_s_a_v_pcmark_2005_core_i5_2500_27719_marks 9600 transparent , win7 , 2500 @ 4070 . Normal scores for these clocks would and win7 would be around 7000-8500 , from my experience . You can find many pcmark results with similar transparent score . I have never seen any higher score than 8800 even at 5700 Mhz 2600K at win7 . Also , regarding vista . It seems that you can get a score around 16000 to 19000 . How is possible to get 31000 ??? http://hwbot.org/submission/2128177_steponz_pcmark_2005_core_i7_2600k_37340_marks/ This is with 980x ... http://hwbot.org/submission/1040000_vento1_pcmark_2005_core_i7_extreme_980x_32970_marks 35000 marks with 5200 Mhz 980x Also very high with 6core ... http://hwbot.org/submission/2139248_s_a_v_pcmark_2005_xeon_x5667_6_cores_31247_marks 10800 at 4850 mhz ... I'm not saying that all these users above are cheaters ! The high transparent score is just something that is bothering me and my teammates a long time now . We have tried various tweaks etc with no real gain .
  19. Congrats James , but i feel that there is something wrong with your transparent score and with the video encoding.
  20. Nice !!!! Now stop playing around with your PC and start taking care of your patients .
  21. Thank you boys ! I'm still learning this platform . It's a bit tricky with the RAM's . Hypers don't play as well as with X58 . Also , i couldn't use the mem tweakit function I don't know what's wrong but when i hit apply the system crashes (BSOD & restart) . This happens with every OS i tried .
  22. 348 years ???I guess they will be well prepared ! :D:D:D
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