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Everything posted by Stelaras

  1. Next run will be with subzero cooling on the GTX2 memories .
  2. Nice one , Andre ... http://service.futuremark.com/compare?3dmv=2139191 http://service.futuremark.com/search/3dmarkvantage.action?product=3dmarkvantage.action&doSearch=true&page=&receiver=%2Fajax%2Fsearchresult3dmarkvantage.action&preset=2&cpuId=&hasPPU=-100&cpuSpeedFrom=&cpuSpeedTo=&gpuId=&gpucorespeedFrom=&gpucorespeedTo=&gpumemoryspeedFrom=&gpumemoryspeedTo=&gpuMemory=-100&shadermodel=-100&cooperativeGpus=-100&graphicsdriver=3&operatingsystem=-100&filterDuplicates=false&newestminorversion=1&scoretype=1&scoreFrom=30700&scoreTo=30800&validity=-1 I can't understand it ... Same person with multiple accounts ??? Also ... I thought only retail hardware was accepted . The SOC card doesn't seem so "retail" . Massman , you are the one that confimed this to me a few weeks ago . ( http://hwbot.org/forum/showthread.php?p=52575#post52575 ) Why score from "sadness" was removed from the competition ? I'm totaly confused . Also , something else i noticed . http://hwbot.org/community/submission/995761_sadness_3dmark_vantage___performance_radeon_hd_5870_31007_marks http://hwbot.org/community/submission/995391_gigaboost_3dmark_vantage___performance_radeon_hd_5870_30244_marks What about the parenthesis in cpu-z multiplier tab ????
  3. Yeah . It was a nice session . Next time with a proper and fully tweaked OS .
  4. Yes . I knew that ... but i'm just missing something . I'm 3 secs down at your clocks . I'm about on par with zafiropo's efficiency .
  5. Any hint about the tweak you use for this great efficiency ??? :D:D
  6. Happy birthday Pieter !!!!
  7. http://hwbot.org/community/submission/818338_stelaras_wprime_1024m_celeron_s478_2.4ghz_37min_19sec_470ms?tab=info I have restored the link with the image . Please unblock . Thank you.
  8. If i understood correctly , the problem is with the CPU's that are under NDA .
  9. OK . I'll do it . Today i saw one other score with 220.X mb/sec submitted .
  10. Any update ??? I have a run with 225Mb xp startup posted a few hours ago . I thought that hwbow addopted the new cap also .
  11. If you want i can upload again a dozen of screenshots !! :D:D Please give me an update when you have . Or ... if there is anything else i can do please inform me . Thanks .
  12. You have PM .
  13. Runs at 3600 & 3750 Mhz ... 163K efficiency ... Not so good run because i forgot to tweak memset subtimings ... but i'll run it again tomorrow and head for 161K. And here are the 3750 Mhz spi1m with the lower 4:5 divider for comparison ... 1st the not so tweaked .. And the tweaked run : As you can see , the efficiency drops to 165K at the last run cause of the lower divider. Higher fsb (My run at 4100 for example) helps the efficiency to drop again to 161K . If a moderator has any questions regarding the tweaks , i'll more than hapilly answer at PM's . More benches will follow at 4ghz tomorrow .
  14. And here i have runs at 3.4ghz which is the limit of aircooling . I have to mount my cascade or my LN2 pot to run higher. This 3rd run has only maxmem & memset subtimings tweaked And check the efficiency of the 2nd run ... 159.5K . You see ... Only 3.4ghz needed for the 1st place . High FSB & 3:4 divider does it again . What do you think about these scores ??? I bet my life they are real and without cheats . Tomorrow i'll mount the cascade and give you some runs at 3.6 , 3.8 & 4ghz .
  15. Here are the 3ghz runs ... 1st only maxmem ... 2nd with many tweaks. 160.5K efficiency . That's cause of higher fsb than before AND still on 3:4 divider .
  16. No answer .... Here i have two runs just made at default 2.4ghz Ram divider at 3:4 .... BH5 ... with Hipro5 DDR Maximizer . First in not tweaked (only maxmem) ... and second is tweaked (Os/registry) . I'll make the same at 3ghz ... 3.6ghz ... and 4ghz . Check the efficiency ... it's 161K again .
  17. What do you want me to show ??? Do you want to bench from default (2.4ghz up to 4 ghz) ??? Come on !! Think something that could help the situation .
  18. OK . What verification you want ??? The efficiency can be made and it's easy to check it through other celeron scores (i have posted links in previous post). Check these two : Search results: n/a. SuperPi - 50.69 sec - $lim Ov3r (Total OverClock) - (Celeron s478 2.4Ghz @ 4140mhz on Dice) 4.2 points - [ ] - [ ] n/a. SuperPi - 51.5 sec - Beleno-R&B Team (DimasTech Team - dimastech.com) - (Celeron s478 2.4Ghz @ 3455mhz on Dice) 3.4 points - Explain me the 51.5sec ... Let's say i report it . What yould you do ?? 0.8sec gain from 600 Mhz ... ot 51.5 impossible with 3455 ???? Let's say that 50.69 does not exist . Is still my score so impossible ???
  19. Still no answer ....
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