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Everything posted by Stelaras

  1. Check the thread count ... This run is with 64 threads , even if the CPU has only 1 core - 1 thread .
  2. LOL ! I can't believe this is happening ! BTW , Thanks for the update .
  3. Any news here ??? No info about the prizes ... and my points are still not fixed .
  4. I haven't tested this bios , but i thought it was OK as it's an official . You can easily flash back with USB ROG flash function http://rog.asus.com/forum/showthread.php?1142-How-to-use-ASUS-ROG-USB-BIOS-Flashback
  5. Very nice efficiency ! What was your GPU clock in nature ???
  6. MAXIMUS V FORMULA BIOS 1309 Improve system stability. http://support.asus.com/Download.aspx?SLanguage=en&p=1&s=39&m=MAXIMUS%20V%20FORMULA&os=10&ft=3&f_name=MAXIMUS-V-FORMULA-ASUS-1309.zip#MAXIMUS-V-FORMULA-ASUS-1309.zip
  7. You need ... one for LN2 ,one for Cascade and one with good IMC for low clock challenges !
  8. Depends on the bench you want . For 3d you need 8t only for vantage ... and sometimes for 06 . If the cpu has 4 good cores , it can do vantage 6000 no issues . I'm not saying that it's very easy to find such CPU , but for sure it's a lot easier than finding a 6.8+ 3d LN2 chip .
  9. 6ghz for cascade is easy . I have tested many that could run 6200Mhz , but had problems on LN2 .
  10. No need for 1520+ IMC ... but 6.8+Ghz for 3D would be fine .
  11. John has left the building ...
  12. Hi Denis , It's not even a warming up . There are many things i'm missing . I'll do one step at a time !
  13. That's nice to know. I guess i should make a run without iexplorer default settings and antivirus + drivers . It's my daily OS ...
  14. I know it . I just made a run to show that audio is not an issue for validation . I haven't done ANYTHING about transparent , general usage and memory . Cpu is at only 4500Mhz . I'm also still with Iexplorer . No chrome or anything else . One of these days i'll prepare a new OS and play at 6+Ghz ...
  15. Here ... http://www.hwbot.org/submission/2318207_stelaras_pcmark_2005_core_i7_3770k_63292_marks
  16. Yes . It's not an issue at all . I'll upload a full score in a few minutes .
  17. Of course .
  18. So , submittion link is OK . I get 42000 at 4.6Ghz . http://www.3dmark.com/pcm05/3172460 Also , web browsing seems to be getting at nice levels .
  19. Can you please include to your report one more score ? I have 3 other points missing from the country cup 2011... http://www.hwbot.org/submission/2232542_stelaras_wprime_1024m_core_i5_680_240sec_422ms
  20. Hi Pieter , Points are still wrong . Did you find the issue ??? Thanks .
  21. Really ??? Who's that ??? I don't know anyone who has it . ???
  22. Also the 3 points for the best 3dmark01 result , and 1 or 2 points for the 3rd score in spi32m .
  23. I'm missing the 8 points . Can you please fix it ???
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