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Everything posted by Stelaras

  1. I don't have an issue with the adapters . It would be interesting to see which benchmarks can be helped .
  2. Hello my friend Scotty ! Apologies for not replying earlier . I'm glad to see you're still around Thank you !
  3. It was a pleasure to bench with s939 ! I haven't benched ANYTHING AT ALL since last year's old school , but zafiropo persuaded me to try and have some fun ! There are some very nice & efficient runs there ! Congratulations to all the participants ! I just love to see some respected members & friends of mine still being active and doing fine . Regarding realbench , I also agree it was a bit hard for this platform . @lanbonden , I don't care at all about the points at all ! I just participated in order to bench with my friend zafiropo . It's an honest truth . So , your runs were more efficient than mine because you had tighter timings . I realized about 2 hours ago . Today I couldn't bench with the 183 divider for some reason , so I tried the lower 166 . After the first run I asked myself ... "Can they also run 1T ?" . At 255+ Mhz they couldn't , but at 233 it was OK .
  4. Looks like GT2 gets a nice boost with this driver . Can anyone else try it and tell us ??
  5. :D:D But ... I have a feeling that the driver was wrong . Just saw Remarc's run ! I was at Zafiropo's place till 6:30AM . After reaching 9000 marks , i called it and went back home to sleep . I woke up about 30minutes before the stage ends . It wasn't sandbagging ! I was "time limited" . Thank you man ! Appreciate it !
  6. It was nice to have so many teams ! Congratulations to I.nfraR.ed , ZFess , Gumanoid ,macsbeach98 !
  7. You are right ! Win2k is more efficient for 3dmark2001 with these platforms . I knew it before this competition started ! Agp 8x scored a bit higher . 100-200 points max from what i remember.
  8. Thank you all for the kind comments . It helps ease the pain :D:D It was a run made this morning (stopped benching at 4AM) , as i was a bit sad cause i lost my good CPU and didn't want to bench during the previous days. Ivan , i agree . It was a stage with many problems . We lost one ti4600 & one ti4800 ... and one good 3.4Ghz 3D benchable XP-M . Wish i was living near you . I would repair your SS at no cost ... or maybe just one beer ! As for the mods , Vdd didn't help at all . The 3.3v line was at 3.55V and helped raising a few Mhz . Only thing i know about Omega drivers is that they didn't score lower than the original drivers . Not much of a difference ... maybe 50 points . It was more a kind of "going back in time" , when we were using these kind of drivers . Thanks again all of you !
  9. And crappy as you can also see . It's 3.6ns , so this card will never reach the 750Mhz+ region . I wish it had some BGA 3.3ns (or lower) .
  10. I only had two cards . The 2nd one was around 10Mhz worse in memories aircooled. I only froze one card (the best of two) . Max air clocks around 270 , like yours (but unmodded)
  11. No , because my card was able to get up to 1.85V . Higher and it was losing clocks . I tried up to 1.95V . It's not a power hungry card ... Not at all . I just used epower because i sometimes find it much easier & faster to install , than modding the card in regular ways (trimmers etc) . Especially when you don't know what you're going to find (like protections for example)
  12. Yes , memory was a pain to clock high . Like most of these kind of cards , you had to lower the GPU clocks if you wanted to maintain high MEM clocks .
  13. I used around 1.8V . How high did you go with yours ?
  14. My cards could run @ 1.45V bios easily . Just a bit bigger & better cooler . Try adjusting both 3d voltage & turbo voltage and the same leves . Now i understand why i couldn't catch you with better clocks . I didn't think about disabling systeminfo . I thought it was required . And to be honest i didn't notice you had it disabled .
  15. Just disabled a few things in cpu-z ini , so it loads faster and gives less stress to this poor CPU .
  16. Thanks guys . I love modding and "discovering mods" . I tried 3 cards but i couldn't find one with 600+ memories . Is it so hard ?
  17. My P5A is 1.04rev . The last one that can run properly the K6+ CPU's . No bios can make 1.05/1.06 to run fast with these CPU's . I don't remember where i found the 7.76 . Most possible from an old abandoned forum/blog . I have this score done since the first month of the competition (Late June) . I can check and give you a link or upload the driver if you need it . Thanks .
  18. Can't edit score because competition closed . It's dual celeron 500mhz
  19. As far as zafiropo told me , it was the max under cascade . We didn't have much time to test it with colder temps .
  20. It was a blast ! Thanks to all people who helped . Now i can rest a bit after so many months of stress . I will miss Team cup for sure , but i can live with this . Hehehe Huge respect to Xtreme Oc Team Bulgaria . Classicplatforms did great once again .
  21. Kotori-san , incredible score ! Keep it up !
  22. MSI PCI HD5450 512MB ??? I'm searching but i can't find any information about this card . Can anyone find a link ?
  23. WinXP support stopped a few months ago . That's why SLI is not working .
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