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Everything posted by I.nfraR.ed

  1. Very nice efficiency, I'm obviously missing something.
  2. @l0ud_sil3nc3Your score is also fast for the clocks! Would be easy #1 with better cooling.
  3. Thanks. I had 11.709, but lost it after resintalling windows as new benchmate can only work in Program Files and I forgot to copy on usb :D
  4. It's the same bios, just a bit higher mem frequency and better settings. Haven't tried the newest bios yet.
  5. This time around it seems I won't be able to compete with LN2 scores, but might get LN2 myself at some point. Yes, win11 is faster, but I think there's more to gain.
  6. Very nice! I am 11.270 at 5.3, but there seems to be some sort of a clock stretching or throttling at higher frequencies ( chiller).
  7. It happened to me as well, that's how I noticed.
  8. Unfortunately this has the AlgorithmFailedException. It has been reported to BenchMate developer that even though the score is not valid, it still appears to be accepted.
  9. A photo of the system is required for TeamCup. Check the rules here: https://hwbot.org/competition/HWBOT Team CUP 2024 - AMD CPU/stage/5817_gpupi_for_cpu_v3.2_-_1b_-_am4 :p
  10. Yeah, many times less is more. If you're unstable, then tight timings or high freq are just for the screenshot. Good score!
  11. Not really, this chip is a bit challenged it seems. 2200 FCLK doesn't post at all and 8200 mem I can train, but absolutely no stability. High VDD seems problematic as well. It's just 1-2 hours of work since I got it though, so more should be possible for sure. Will try it on the chiller soon, cold might help a bit.
  12. IMO, even if it doesn't score higher, it should still be a bit snappier and use less resources than win7, so maybe that's the point in using XP64 instead of Win7.
  13. I'm logged in and can't access any of the rankings linked in a submission, e.g. Link to this exact submission: https://hwbot.org/submission/5495818 Highlighted links are all 404 and it seems to be valid for any reference frequency submission. Maybe missing query param(s)? Steps to reproduce: - Search for or select a motherboard from the hardware library and open the rankings, e.g "Crosshair IV Extreme" - Open any of the submissions and try to click on the highlighted links Sorry if that had been reported before, but I could not find it in the forum.
  14. It's a DirectCU II OC. Not sure why I have selected Strix. This one: https://www.techpowerup.com/gpu-specs/asus-gtx-780-directcu-ii-oc.b2082
  15. Is it possible to change the bios, so it switches to CSM mode automatically when non-uefi VGA is used? Currently, if for some reason the bios resets or fails to train it's a dead end. The card does not post anymore (d6 code) and I can't enter BIOS unless I switch to a uef-enabled VGA, which obviously is a pain. On the GTX580 I can't even add a GOP driver to the VGA bios as the resulting file doesn't fit in the bios flash chip. I remember that working on my other board, but with a way older bios. It also works on the B550 Unify-X board - it's d6 at first, but then it restarts itself and POSTs in CSM mode. I know benching 3D (especially legacy) on AM5 is not ideal, but that's what I have. PS: I tried to modify the setup options myself, but it seems defaults for CSM is enforced by nvram defaults and the changes I make in the setup menu are ignored. I don't have the knowledge to continue with this. Edit: I've managed to mod the bios so the failsafe default is CSM. Linked is the modded 2101 bios. Extract the included CAP file to a FAT32 formatted flash drive and flash via flashback function of the board. ROG-CROSSHAIR-X670E-GENE-ASUS-2101-CSM.zip (Google Drive) Caution: Don't blame me if it doesn't work, I don't really know what I'm doing, but it worked for me
  16. So you've finally surrendered to BM Great scores with this cpu.
  17. The total member count for my team is wrong. I have checked other teams, e.g. Overclock.net and their elite members count seems to be wrong as well, possibly inflating the total count, just as in my team. We don't really have an elite member either, the one that is currently listed as elite is a result of an old submission with "LHe" picked by mistake as the cooling method. I'm not aware of any other external elite members joining our team and then leaving. Link to team page: https://hwbot.org/team/xtreme_oc_team_bulgaria__/
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  18. I could eventually beat it, but was running out of LN2. Didn't even check what is the top score at that time, haha. I'm sure we'll see better scores.
  19. 5 sessions, 2 of which full pot with bad mount and horrible frequencies and voltage tolerance; one good mount at cb/cbb -182; one full pot with kryosheet, but a bit worse frequencies and the last one finally a good paste mount and no cb, cbb still at -182. Could eventually get better scores, especially in wprime where my XP failed miserably for some reason, but I'm not going to bother again. Wprime should have been 4.020 - 4.030 at that frequency, if my XP wasn't scoring 6.4xx.
  20. The scary/crazy thing is it makes even XP kind of obsolete for some other older platforms (not sure if all that can run Win10)... I can easily beat scores people obviously spent ton of time tuning timings and running wazza.
  21. As the title describes, in my opinion it would be convenient to have a filter to list all motherboards for a specific socket or chipet. Currently, you can only browse by manufacturer and then drill down to the socket and then chipset for that socket, so e.g. 790FX chipset is now the third inclusive filter: motherboard vendor -> socket -> chipset. In addition to that, and I guess related to the recent change in the db schema, if you open e.g. DFI LANPARTY DK 790FXB-M2RSH (https://hwbot.org/hardware/motherboard/lanparty_dk_790fxb_m2rsh/) and you click on the additional links on top, it will only show you the DFI motherboards that meet the search criterion. Thanks!
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