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Christian Ney

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Everything posted by Christian Ney

  1. Recycling I found a really better kit than my Corsair kit I was using till now. So what to do with that expensive memory sticks, I cannot throw them out makes no sens... Today when I was testing an Asus board (DDR2) at the university, on of my friend asked me : ''WTF, why there are hairs on your sticks ?'' Yes, if you have got useless Corsair Dominator GT memory sticks, you can still use them in that way : So corsair marketing worked a lot to make those modules lifetime useful besides being warrantied
  2. I even bought the ASUS AT5NM10-I and the ASRock A330GC just for the AMD Fusion Review.
  3. nice you take care of the bot and us
  4. According to the SS, I am 100 % sure, they are identical This is on my side or pov of course But even in the fact they benched both together, they have to submite under only one account isn't it ?
  5. EDIT: according do a source it's not water but coke
  6. thx thx thx Now I remember, I named them C-RIMMS when I first had some +1 for Antinomy But I am sure that you guys are all right
  7. I saw your EDIT, yep I know the samdisk software is not allowed. Ho and I don't think I can do something with the expander, cause rambus need to have all slot full, (4 dimms or 2 dimms + 2 false dimms(don't remember the name)(you cannot have empty slots). so to do something I need to sold an extra dimm slot on the motherboard
  8. I will find some place to live where there is no shops, so you guys can submite with nothing that I haven't got btw I can sell you some Pentium 1 and MMX(Cause you will be only able to submite with that) and maybe some PII and P3.
  9. Here is massboy with a glass of water. The only one with water btw, others are with beer
  10. I am at the Computer University's library What testers are ready to do for Reviews
  11. I don't think Gigabyte's going to be happy reading that Even Intel, you broke the NDA
  12. I can't stop laughing, thx Thomas, pieter, and ... Machine
  13. Now everybody is adding me on facebook thinking I am Hi Cookie -.-
  14. Yeah you didn't know, massi discovered me, I got two profiles one for Globals and one for hardware , from Austria cause Karl is my brother. btw woldwide #1 and national #8 Regarding the preview this is looking as an OC Card that's cool
  15. Really nice looking, can't wait Hardware library roxxx
  16. Ho yeah inspector I love this soft, I used it when I tried to grab some points with the GTX 580 and my poor i7 920. Nice tool, only available for windows 7 unfortunately. But I haven't checked the driver tweaking part. Thx for the hint
  17. lol, now it's on your head
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