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Everything posted by speed.fastest

  1. Wow, this is beating previous record by miles!
  2. Looking forward to this beast, thanks for the guides!
  3. Honestly this is not bad vs Phenom II cpu!
  4. Here in Indonesia, Asus Maximus XII Hero (Wifi) is priced US$500 for pre order price. This price is ridiculous and i may stay on 1151 for longer than it should lol.
  5. True, i checked almost all bios, 0022 or 1010 bios or ported x apex bios this 3 yield the best result.
  6. Is XI Apex bios can be ported to IX Apex? As XI Apex had some special menu in bios that might be useful on IX Apex. That will be cool
  7. Looks very good, i may can afford to buy 10900K but cant buy any board lol
  8. I think the only problem right now is too many rules & complaints, and too little bench & result. How about we bench like the old days, what cheater did will always cheat no matter what we do, we need more energy to bench this day because all of this happen.
  9. Ported 0010 BIOS (0906 based with USB OCP Disabled and with all voltage unlocked even without LN2 Mode, tested working on 9600K and 8350K). http://www.mediafire.com/file/eg4e9b57it3hc77/ASUSTeK_MAXIMUS_IX_APEX_0010.PCIE.U0P0.HT.ACPI.678ABCD.CoreSync.rom/file
  10. Probably add new option as old sub as option? Sometimes i bench and not upload it here yet.
  11. Tried modifying some inf Intel UHD 630 driver for Z270 + Coffeelake (9600K) it works with above bios! http://www.mediafire.com/file/bzapju8abf48fcx/Intel_Coffeelake_Windows_7_x64_Drivers.zip/file
  12. 1. There is still no solution other than that. 2. Some cooling cheater even provide Video proof, thats not enough. 3. I hope so, i like there is Enthusiast League too, but too many but, need more solution to fix it. 4. There is no DICE that did -90 celcius.
  13. I think Enthusiast is broken by some people, almost everyone know it. Its better to minimize LN2 vs other cooling is Made LN2/LHe/Cascade league different than other cooling. The only problem how can we prove it if we use say Dry Ice? How if it use LN2 with temp lets say -90 Celcius? This is the problem. So Elite vs Everybody else league is the only solution right now i think.
  14. Interesting, could be nice dual core battle again!
  15. Thanks for the bios, but it seems like my board have usb issue, so i modified 0022 BIOS (1010 official based (it support XP!) with USB OCP Disabled) and updating it with new microcode and HT support (not tested with HT CPU). It works with my system finally! *Edited Link, wrong upload : http://www.mediafire.com/file/k32du0uj93etp8d/ASUSTeK_MAXIMUS_IX_APEX_0022.PCIE.U0P0.HT.ACPI.678ABCD.CoreSync.rom
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