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Everything posted by speed.fastest

  1. Testing it at superpi 32m waza, you can try 4000 12-11-11 first, then try what can it do at 12-12-12, put more dram voltage, try more or less vttddr, until you when you increase dram voltage or vttddr it causing unstable.
  2. @sabishiihito : Actually my 3466 C16 kit above did 4K C12 at 2v, but it scale up to 2.05v with latest BIOS with waza. My tips for B-Die binning is find the right VTTDDR (usually around 0.925-0.9875v, many kit just 0.925v or 0.95v). When you already have the right VTTDDR (Testing it with SuperPi 32m Waza), you can push DRAM Voltage as much as the mem still scaling. My 3466 topped out at 2.05v. Always testing it with 32m Waza if you want to know the right voltage first
  3. Graphics Score is so strong, btw try 7 x32, it's magic for vantage with so many thread on CPU
  4. Will Windows 7 banned for all platform?
  5. And i tryed almost all Java version, now points removed
  6. Basically if you want to bench 3D fullpot free CB, DMI pin is must (this pin allow you to change dmi voltage), unless your CPU can run fullpot at default DMI.
  7. Continue test 3466 c16 kit, can run 4133 12-12-12 2.05v (no waza), 4090 12-12-12 2.035v (waza). All air, still need to find the limit...
  8. Try G.SKILL Trident Z 3466 C16-18-18 from Quad Channel kit, this is two best stick. But still no try waza, waza looks like stress my IMC much with my CPU on ambient. This is at 2.035v not try less :
  9. Not bad at all for ambient CPU, very close to my result. Is the mem good?
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