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Everything posted by l0ud_sil3nc3

  1. Weird. . . "ASRock Z77 OC Formula Challenge is open for submissions until 12 October 2012. This competition is between members. You can submit benchmark results before 12 October 2012. This competition is open to everyone. You can participate by making a submission during the competition." the rules page is not clear atm
  2. My results are on a retail board purchased from Newegg, they even threw in a free 60GB OCZ ssd, and it does indeed come with Gelid GC Extreme.
  3. strong as usual, and that AX1200i looks great!
  4. Well that makes me feel a bit better, however I can't run PSC at those clocks/timings even with 2X2GB, always not exact in round or not convergent in square. Also this chip I used for the above sub, would cb at -140c on the MVE, (55>00>55) until it is warmed up sub -140c, while on the Z77 OC Formula it is cb free and I can run full pot on it. Like I was saying I am pretty sure it is my board:)
  5. You would think that Sam, however the above clocks were not possible on my MVE, (though I am pretty sure it is my board) and I honestly think the c7 Flares actually clock better than this kit on Z77.
  6. ^nice vdimm?
  7. So this is an excellent memory clocking board PSC (4X2GB) and here is a 4Ghz run with PSC the 2X4GB run was under cold on the memory with no insulation, just a quickie at 1.85v:eek:
  8. ^Either really good PSC, or BBSE I would assume, probably the former.
  9. The Asrock board is looking real good, great job!!!
  10. Wow, if there wasn't a MVE in the pic I would have thought this pic came straight from the 80's:D I think a "meanwhile in . . ." would be a good fit for this pic.
  11. lol refer to sig:D
  12. And what kit did those come out of?
  13. You have been one busy guy, great work man, can't wait to see 4.5x.xx:)
  14. ^thanks gentlemen, but I will be back for a sub 5 run:D
  15. ^dude awesome, can't wait to see a 4p board under cold:D
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