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Everything posted by l0ud_sil3nc3

  1. Even worse is reboot with FF on last loop as Sam has said, nothing quite like that to fuck your day off.
  2. I was testing 32M for 5Ghz LCC with BBSE that is known to run 2600+ c8 and no matter what I was always getting not exact in round every time with maxmem set to 620, I usually use 670-680 but for testing purposes I figured I should try a few different values. I will retry with 640 and see if this changes anything.
  3. excellent run Hideo-san, making the best with what you have, and still a top 10:)
  4. Dommies 2800 c11 treating you well I see:D Still have not had time to give those 2666 c10's a spin yet:(
  5. ^some Ivy's are indestructible and others so fragile:D this is the epitome of going hard, good job ocaholics love to see this massive binning effort, I am sure you have some 6.9Ghz+ in there:D
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