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Everything posted by l0ud_sil3nc3

  1. Not saying it isn't possible, just unlikely. Plus Xtreme Addict's chip requires 1.944v to your 1.84v, and thus not identical as JL and Mad222's subs are down to voltage/bclk. But I think you are correct, in the end there is no solid factual, concrete evidence that proves hardware/screen sharing occurred (just highly likely and extremely probable:))
  2. That's a bit different, they shared a single kit of memory across five platforms with five different users, and there was no rules stating this was not to be allowed in the comp. The rules on sharing clearly need to be defined better, and people need to be more honest, I mean we are doing this hobby because we enjoy it correct? Not to be #1 on some list, even though that list happens to be hwbot:p Same board, cpu, memory, tweaks and voltages being the same is kinda hard to look past. Is it possible that they have 20+ 7 ghz chips? Sure, but what are the chances that these two both require the exact same voltages for the exact same clock with the exact same bclk?
  3. nice can't wait to see the backups:D
  4. ^thanks guys, will try to get a DDR2 sub if hardware is sourced in time. and extra thank you to you zen, these sticks rock for high frequency!
  5. yup but only one Rbauss, yet two subs.
  6. 6-9-6 under cold has been done before at 2500 http://www.xtremesystems.org/forums/showthread.php?280903-SuperPi32m-5Ghz-Ivy-All-Out-Challenge!&p=5101956&viewfull=1#post5101956
  7. sick score Vince, now where is my Venom 666:p
  8. ^ I would assume cold with tertiary timings that tight
  9. good heads up lol
  10. nice run Bart,is this the 1.19 5ghz 1c chip from the batch thread?
  11. ^oh wow that's bad, having issues at default is bad all around.
  12. thanks Steve, the Malay chips lately have been pretty bad, max valid for this one 1c was 63xx.
  13. ^yes the reasonable explanation is simply lying to vendors and users, while hw sharing. I am all for group sessions, but only one of them needs to upload the sub, not both, just saying. . .
  14. ^this lol, gotta love these guys the best sponsors ever:D
  15. Thank you Christian, what is weird is I have some screens where the bclk decreases by 20mhz, very odd as well but much harder to reproduce, usually when bclk is 99.8 or less.
  16. lol at TOSH, are you hwbot's tosh.0? can't wait to see the damage.
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