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Everything posted by l0ud_sil3nc3

  1. ^can't wait to see PSC cold, good job man!
  2. Costa Rica C batches seem to be winners:) 5.2 @ 1.35 4c 4t is awesome Viss, and it has a great IMC. cold test incoming?
  3. good job Sam, glad to see the session was productive
  4. congrats Vivi!
  5. such good humor Splave lol if you ever make it to the WC again I am buying you a beer sir.
  6. . . .and only 1.90v, that is a great cpu! congrats
  7. ^best post in this thread
  8. not saying, just showing:) your level of awesome sauce never fails to deliver Splave, you rock dude! I think I just might have to pick up a GTX 680 Lightning. . .
  9. ^epic pic, looking pretty sloshed as well.
  10. interesting memory kit, vdimm and vccio/vccsa?
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