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Everything posted by l0ud_sil3nc3

  1. No problem guys but wrong thread, post in one minute in the correct thread.
  2. That's because the bios you are on, will post a newer one that fixes a few things and runs 1T super easy like on first boot super easy
  3. Why would you use a vice? Razor blade is much safer and it doesn't mangle the IHS or pcb.
  4. I only tried B-Die with four dimms on big board and it seemed super consistent 740, but no go on dat point lol. Well done Lummi, try with little board tonight.
  5. Little board air testing, swapped sticks ran the same clocks at slightly lower volts will try this order on cold next. Air limit lol? 5Ghz 4Ghz and let's not forget what this thread is all about . . . The big board! Even with 2T and looser RTL you still only lose less than half a second, but you can also use much less voltage (1.75v) to complete 32M.
  6. All B-Die atm will need 2t on the OCF after 3600ish, not sure why but 32GB working great at 3700 c12 tight 2t on the big board with 6320, try with 6700k to compare with two module super tight and sky high but 4X8GB B-Die could be super fast if it clocks to 3866, or even 4000 on cold. @Random I have slain quite a few OCF's, might be #1 killer this generation ask Nick
  7. here's a glimpse of some air cooled b-die and cpu cooled by AIO, think it's ready for the 6.2 chip now?
  8. -30c give or take a degree, seemed more was less loops before fail. Like I said I think the IMC on this chip is no bueno, I mean it says shit on it.
  9. Hey Doug, Scaling seemed to get worse with more voltage, so just left it at 1.8v Also the pcie card is a USB 2 iirc.
  10. Z170 MOCF = king of efficiency This was the only run that passed, at all, for the last four hours. B-die is a hard ic to bench cold, or my IMC is garbage will swap order of the sticks and retest on Monday after refill. Here's some pics of the board. . .
  11. 32GB good on big OCF, at least for 3700 12-12-12 but it needs 2T, so on Asus they should go much higher and no problem with 1T as the layout is better optimized for 4 dimm operation. Little board, well we know they work quite well on it
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