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Everything posted by Xtreme Addict
Say hi to Jasmine and she is right. I have around 200 litres in dewars and it's enough
Are you joining beer & retirement club with me? Great price! If I had garage I would just come with my car to grab those from you, sadly I live on 11th floor ^^
Lets talk about 32m Low Clock Challenges
Xtreme Addict replied to Splave's topic in Benchmark software
Asus, Asrock all boards are fluctuating so much. Even at 102.9x/103 XTU 742/743 bunnyextraction once you have 4020 MHz cpu, once below 4 GHz. This is stable BCLK? Regarding SPI32M and wrapper - idiotic idea, why? Cause all benchmarks with wrappers are mostly broken. And SPI32M is one of the few reliable and fun benchmarks. In fact Allen you started lc results with higher cache over the limit and it was fine when you were 1st in LC challenge Just observing. I don't see anything less fun now in LC than it was in the past, especially when Asrock boards cheated on BCLK which is well known fact in past generations. Just adapt to fluctuating BCLK and that's all, find your proper golden settings and go. I don't see the difference of fun in fact when you run 100.00 or 100.20 MHz, for me SPI32M is same fun and same behaviour so I don't get the problem in fact. If Asrock fluctuates worse than Asus, maybe change board to Asus. For XTU 742/743 we have to use specific boards, best boards for that hw combination. With Skylake SPI32M LC it might be the board which fluctuates the most lol. Life. You are playing the best hw possible for the benchmark (if you can). I don't see anything to fix now, cause it's not broken. If Asrock for you is too slow/doesn't fluctuate enough, you can try M8I and do LC. The only thing which might be a good one - creating a rule that both cache and cores have to be below 5003 limit, cause it's MUCH HARDER or nearly impossible to catch both when you are running really high BCLK. -
Time for a new guide. After some long tweaking and binning of B DIE memories I found out some tweaks in order to make B DIE fly on ROG boards It works for Maximus VIII Extreme, Maximus VIII Impact, Maximus VIII Gene (all tested by me), no idea if Hero/Ranger have same options in BIOS cause sadly I don't own those boards. Influence on M8E/M8G: - good boards will be able to boot and bench 2x8 GB 4000 CL12 1T TIGHT 2Ds like XTU and 3Ds, inside OS with BCLK raising we can even get more, though SPI32M CW will be very hard (I managed to do 4000 CL12 1T TIGHT only in single channel), and 3866 4x8 GB Influence on M8I: - good board will be able to do 4133+ SPI32M COPY WAZA Ground rules: BIN MOTHERBOARD! I binned overall 10x M8E and with Uncle Mad around 15x M8I. Board matters, believe me even though IMC is inside CPU. IT WAS SAME WITH MANY VENDORS AND MANY GENERATIONS. JUST ESPECIALLY NOW IT'S MORE VISIBLE AND CLEAR THAT WE HAVE TO BIN BOARDS. It's not possible to get exactly same motherboard PCB, each PCB differs inside, copper layers which produce signals and so on. Those are very small and subtle differences, but influence OC potential a lot. Note that mostly after LN2 benching, many motherboards degrade. Sadly but small sockets (BGA balls and traces under the socket) are very sensitive for full pot, especially fast temperature changes. That's why in Asus Shamino's/Elmor's Z170 guide we can find tips to slowly cool down CPU in order to preserve socket. Some motherboards are "RAMBO" edition, some sadly will degrade. For degraded boards you can try to clean socket + DIMMs with aceton and dry motherboard for a very long time. How to determine if I have a good or a bad board? 1. Check both Channels (A & B). On M8I mostly Channel B (2nd slot) is weak/degrades, especially with 1T. On M8E/M8G vice versa, mostly Channel A degrades. 2. If both Channels boot same frequency (e.g. 4000 CL12) than try dual channel. If your board mostly produces 41 code on settings which should work easy, worked on other ROG board, you have a bad sample and you have to bin more boards If you are getting 41 codes too often, setting signals manually on a "weak" board might make it work like average/good board. If board stucks at 55 code post especially in Dual, it's not issue of motherboard, we just need to have a) better memories, b) tweak settings c) retry to boot, please remember RETRY button is the best friend of OCer^^ especially with very tight settings and high frequency sometimes it's worth to try retry button 3-5 times, we should try booting few times when we already had same booting in the past, finally it should work. Please note that on cold, when slots are getting frozen or socket area, our booting frequency will go down a lot when platform is tired or memories too cold. B DIE like to be warm and dry. Retry button/safe mode @ M8I For safe mode - just use Power on/off button (red one under code poster), press it and keep until boards shutdowns and power it on again to boot in safe mode. Retry button is not on the board, so the best option is just to turn off PSU and turn it on and power on the board again. CPU IMC To be honest most people say they have a limit of IMC, I think it's more board/memories or wrong settings. I tried 4133 12-11-11 CW with 5x CPUs (6500+ HWBOT PRIME from my own binning) and all could do that with 1.25-1.30v (depends from BIOS) VCCSA/VCCIO. I mean of course I am aware that potato CPUs might not do that. BIOSES: For M8I I don't see big difference between 0014-0019, though 0019 seems to be slightly more stable in booting, also we don't need LN2 MODE Enabled in order to set more than 2.0 VMEM. Retail newest BIOS also works really well. M8E: for me 0015 was the best one, but newest retails are not bad at all either MAGIC SETTINGS/BOOTING SETTINGS RTLs/IOLs ROG boards don't have issues with tightening settings by hand, we don't have to perform special rituals or dances. Especially on M8I we can put everything by hand and it will work (sometimes we have to retry 1-2 times). M8E/M8G can't run that tight RTLs as M8I and it's harder to lock settings by hand, but it also works, but in fact for 2D/3D which are not XTU or SPI32M, I would just leave AUTO settings. It won't effect our efficiency in other programs, even if board boots 50/52 instead of 50/51. SIGNALS - "SLOPES" The most important are those 5: Clk Rising Slope Clk Rising Slope Offset Data Falling Slope Data Falling Slope Offset Cmd Falling Slope You can try different values of course. Each board is different and needs special attention. Personally I always change all "Slopes" at once, the most universal settings for M8I is "15-1" combination as you can see in the screenshots. For M8E/M8G mostly the best for me is "7-1". But as I said - try by yourself. I am just giving the most universal settings which worked best for me and the biggest amount of boards. ODT settings This worked the best for me on M8I board (1 sample only). You can try and also finetune by yourself. On most ROG boards I leave that setting on AUTO, but some boards are much more stable with manual touch. On ASUS playing with ODT values doesn't influence efficiency. EXTRA STABILITY SETTINGS DRAM REF VOLTAGE CONTROL On some B DIE this section can help booting in Dual, also improve stability and remove "79 SLOW BOOT BUG" with B DIE, when memories are on the edge (especially with 12-11-11 setting). Try 0.50000 - 0.52000 with 35-40 settings. Note that you have to change all lower settings same down to the end (really a lot of positions) cause with different values or half by hand half by AUTO board will not boot. MRC FAST BOOT DISABLED For me Disabled is mostly better. Also keep in mind when setting TWR timing to set manually TWRPRE in order to avoid 41 code. B DIE VOLTAGE-VTT SETTINGS a) most B DIE (especially in Dual Channel) prefer lower VTT, 0.8-0.83v in order to avoid 55 code post b) 12-11-11 mostly needs higher VTT than 12-12-12 c) with proper VTT setting we can avoid 79 code post "SLOW BOOT BUG" - stability issue RESULTS My good M8I (sadly the best one died, my new one is really strong too, but I can't do 4133 49/50 RTLs as on my old board. I present bunch of results with my 3x strongest B DIE memory kits (Galax ES, Retails & G.skill Retails). 1. OLD M8I 49/50 RTLs 4133 12-11-11 on Galax ES memories 2. Galax HOF OC LAB Special Edition 001/100 4133 12-11-11 3. Trying to run 4220 12-11-11 CW on my Galax retails 4. SPI1M 4220 12-11-11 5. SPI 32M 4220 12-12-12 CW easy as piece of cake 6. SPI 1M 4310 12-12-12 booting is easy and running SPI1M 7. G.skill retails 3600C16 4133 12-11-11
Is the GIGABYTE Z170-SOC Force LN2 Retail or ES?
Xtreme Addict replied to a topic in Benchmark Rules
Finally some voice of reason. After reading some good arguments from mostly Australina ocers I have to again quote milk & honey song: "Australia is a land of milk and honey, where GB Z170X-LN2 SOC Boards is retail with full warranty, and it's all not about money" -
Bullant - Core i5 6600K @ 6440MHz - 1965 marks XTU
Xtreme Addict replied to Splave's topic in Result Discussions
Nice -
GalaxOCLab - Core i7 6700K @ 7005MHz - 9sec 30ms PiFast
Xtreme Addict replied to Noxinite's topic in Result Discussions
Simply perfect -
$@39@ - Core i7 6700K @ 6850MHz - 4min 26sec 156ms SuperPi - 32M
Xtreme Addict replied to Demac's topic in Result Discussions
Amazing score -
If you have too much $ and like current $ prices or you too much HW you can always sponsor me, I will add your logo on my screenshots This is stupid reply on your epicly stupid posts. Seriously I don't understand what problem you have with my person If you like paying high $ for hw and don't want any changes, just say, if you are rich enough and can afford current or higher prizes and everyone will understand. But on the other hand, just ask a question, wouldn't be it nice to pay a bit less? If you have problem that I am doing this thread from selfish reasons (if you think so), than I can't help you, but you can just answer honestly to your self, if I am right or not.
Haha you are joking I guess? Did you read a thread or maybe you are so brainwashed with sponsorship or living in milk&honey land called Australia? Why you are comparing cheapass competition to overall ranking? For your information, I didn't participate for it cause I was busy with other competitions, scores and so on and I didn't care to kill GPU with epower for the contest without prizes. Sorry, but apparently I value $. For you living in Australia I guess this card is like 1 package of cigarretes, in Poland you have to actually work on that. Also if you think I am really highly sponsored, believe me, you are wrong. Of course I am getting some samples (and thank to vendors for that) but I am still delivering more than most guys who get in fact more than I am (few extreme guys are more sponsored than I am ^^), but samples are not everything, I am investing much more $ into XOC than I am getting from samples, and even from contests. Do you think those 150+ Skylales I binned during summerbreak grow on the trees? And yes, I am claiming that current HW prizes are fucked up and we should do some limits cause this is just a beginning. Soon we will see 2K USD for highend most likely.
Haha my point is not to win with capitalism. If gamers want to pay such prices - it's their choice. But on HWBOT we don't have to follow brainwashed pattern. If we do $ limitations, than we can just OC cheaper hardware. Instead of 6950X still 5960X or some platinum 6900K (not sure, I haven't tried it), instead Titan XP available only from NV store with high prices - 1080 GTX non refs/980 TI. I don't see in that nothing bad at all to be honest.
Yes you can laugh, but if you want to pay current HW prizes, sure, you can support current model and you can join love camp with "Voice of reason" ^^ I am not backpeddling, ES were for years many problems, but mostly retails are better (not always). Currently we have different problems - HW is too expensive and it's even more serious than ES problem. Considering vendors are HWBOT sponsors, some ES - compromise, cooperation is possible to conduct. If we enable ES for 1-2 months [which normal users can't buy (unless some rejects appear on ebay) or get from Intel/mobo vendors], than if points are disabled/removed/scores vanished after those 2 moths there is win-win situation. Vendors had their PR, private ocers can OC (especially after better hw availability from the launch) without having thoughts that they can't beat ES.
Well I am one of the top ranked guys and sorry, but current situation is simply so wrong, I don't remember as bad period in XOC community/society as now. Why? XOC online contests are dead/almost dead, XOC live events/qualifiers are dead. I didn't bother about rankings too much, even @Massman stated in his topic regarding Daniel's great skills that I am not that active in rankings. I focused on events/contests, which are dead. Okay, but now even rankings are dead because hw is too expensive. Who is talking about banning one product? Banning all the products which are out of spec (in this case price range, cause most ocers are buying HW privately). We have seen such things many times in sports, Age cap, KG cap, drugs cap and so on. Why not hwbot? And regarding your question, nope I don't think more people will enjoy benching 6900K cause 5960X on LN2 is just faster ^^ And yes, in such cases, easy solutions are better. More drastic but easier. And if you are referring to my political studies, easy example - Israel, if someone is suspected about terrorism, he and all his family and neighbours are deported from the country. Easy? Yes. Brutal? Sadly yes. Efficiency - good, less terrorist attacks than in Europe mostly sadly thanks to Germany and great refugee strategy to make EU society mindless and more easy to push. Comparing to politics, cultural, world economics factors, yes I think solution to fix HWBOT is easy. I don't think that Taiwan will try to conquer Europe because removing few expensive pieces of hw from rankings ^^
ES hw is questionable, tbh I think it spoils fun, but vendors need they PR, so maybe some solution that ES results are allowed for 1-2 months from the launch and than will vanish from database? Regarding memories sometimes it's hard to distinguish ES from retail. Most CPUs have ES in CPU-Z (not all though). Still ES is questionable cause in most generations, retails are better. But PRICE retail gap is the most urgent problem now. Who seriously cares about ocing overpriced junk? If you don't agree with me, how you can call current hw generations in other, more gentle, civilized ways?
Yap, easy as this. How to fix rankings, especially with current "funny" hw situation. BAN ES CPUs (or limit them just to PR use in the lauinch), all of them. Ban all Xeons and server stuff with WR points which no one cares about. What is more important: BAN ALL cpus beyond 1000 USD newegg price, and all GPUs beyound 1000$ if they are non ref cards. For ref "Titans" and other ref "crap" leave 700 USD gap. And let's observe. It will fix situation where 743 XTU "bug" score (sorry coolhand, zeroplus) is much more popular and even appreciated than all Vince's, Racoon's or Daniel's Titan XP results which no one gives a bunny, cause basically they are only 3x guys who bothered to buy that piece of junk. Best regards, Michał, who always gives "easy" solutions for big problems ^ ^
coolhandluke41 - Core i3 6320 @ 4020MHz - 743 marks XTU
Xtreme Addict replied to Alan_Alberino's topic in Result Discussions
Nice -
zeropluszero - Core i3 6320 @ 4000MHz - 743 marks XTU
Xtreme Addict replied to newlife's topic in Result Discussions
You are a dead man trololol :banana: But seriously! I was looking for that score! GJ -
Splave - Core i7 6950X @ 5200MHz - 1sec 703ms wPrime - 32m
Xtreme Addict replied to Splave's topic in Result Discussions
Strong! -
1st one, so 6585 MHz HWBOT PRIME is the highest we found with TaPaKaH (150+ cpus checked).