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Xtreme Addict

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Everything posted by Xtreme Addict

  1. I would say like VIP just like last year when Kingston sent out limo for us lol
  2. Pieter mine run is 5 GHz straight from bios... no tweaks, no changing settings in OS, just boot to OS open XTU and run. and I have 5.11, others seem to have similar. So you theory seems to be wrong.
  3. Great rules to be honest. Something for AC/WC enthusiasts (XTU stage), lucky draws, something for LN2 clockers, nice stages, great prices, cheap cpus! Good job
  4. If it's true... than great work, but in my opinion this result is impossible on old drivers 13.11. We all know 14.6RC2 - 14.7 give 100 points boost. With those clocks on old drivers it would be around 5720-5750 points. If you don't believe me, check my old score, the highest on 13.11, 1600/1725 with high cpu and the fastest 3D board (GB Z97 SOC Force) which gives around 20-30 points more than MSI board.
  5. My MOA EMEA NUKE FAIL Went out to grab a beer and stayed too long in shop and forgot to publish my best SuperPI result. Fastest SuperPI 32M on MSI board ever All because of this guy in left corner of screenshot Beer power FTW!
  6. Yes totally understand Will be fun for sure. Last AOOC was perfect, so I am sure this one will be too
  7. I have already tested around 30 retails 4790K, best was 1.35 GHz 4/8 5 GHz air... I don't have luck DC
  8. Great effort Vlad, glad to see it on! I shall participate for sure Just my 2 cents, I think you drank a bit too much with Smoke when creating few rules (teams) but I have to admit, it's something new Let's give it a try BTW If anyone picks me, be careful, legends go around that I am hw killer lol
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