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Everything posted by nachtfalke

  1. thanks to all:D , to bench an SOC card is not easy at all:D to unlock the SOC power is a bit difficult , because they use gpu and gddr pwm fully of protection , without VID mod you can´t push volts in these cards! ovp gddr "kill" these cards , also the cascade has no problem to pull down an power hungry gpu like GF100 ...i build this cascade for war:D sorry man , i really don´t build units for sale purpose , i have a full time job even weekend some times ! no time at all , build an strong cascade is not easy , in specially tunning his load temps , that can durring long than building hardware hole cascade:D...
  2. you also can use software ...but for me hard mod is the winner , easy to use voltage card , no voltage reset after shutdown/restart.. if you have any problem doing this VID mod , hint me with an PM!
  3. he asked about Up6208 pwm witch is the gpu pwm controller , not up6205 mem controller( simply FB mod). for matrix you can use software or hard VID mod, like i did in mine , if you want to use hard mod ask me
  4. No in fact very easy [emoji3] Vid modd need Gesendet von meinem SM-G930F mit Tapatalk
  5. Gesendet von meinem SM-G930F mit Tapatalk
  6. vga on GBT board ran x8 pci-e , x16 vs x8 in AM3 is not big difference almost nothing , but in other legacy 3D will be!
  7. i tryed that few years back and only way is VID mod no other way , that way i vid moddded my all cards directly when OVP trip , that is the ONLY WAY to aviod ovp:D
  8. NCP5388 is one of the "evil" pwm ,not many can manage to pass over his OVP:D FB is pin19 , at ~ 1.3v ocp will trigger , if you lowering in half the ressistance between ILIM (pin 12)and ROSC(pin12) you will earn another ~50mv , till OVP will trigger ...and game is over! when you see NCP on the card´s zombified them quickly
  9. use only vddr and see how the gpu will perform , from my experience classified aren´t very good on mem overclocking , is very hard to get one with 1500 ram , think you will bench it at 1450-1475. on cold many it has issue when you play with hight ddr volts , so check the core vs ddr stability and stay with low volts on it ( 2.25 -2.3v) i bench yestarday mine gtx285 matrix and very strange behavior under cold -115 had CBB , ddr don´t like volts ..max benchable was 1480-1500 at 2.25Vgddr , gpu core it´s ok , 1130mhz/2500 shader at 1.55v, over this no scalling anymore!
  10. thanks , at 1.7+ vgpu ocp will trigger ...so think 1.7v is max that this vrm can do without blew up:D my card like volts but also is an mediocre gpu , not an golden one
  11. they are linked , that way i told you to be carfully when you turn the trim pot , need to be both outputs monitorised also vddq and mvddc don´t respond very well on cold , i don´t think you will need it:D if you wanted to measure directly from vddq or mvddc outputs , on the front side were the vrm are localised you will see one(vddq) and 2 (mvddc) tantalium cap , near inductors!
  12. i don´t make units for sale! i don´t know prices , i build this cascade for bench , not just showing low temp thermometer than many builders did. like i said this cascade use something that other don´t use ...it can hold really load , also DeltaT is very small ( evap base vs chip internal temp) my K-Typ measure temp directly from evap base witch is have internal hole so reading are very accuraty that you see on the pic. -103`C at ~1.7vgpu , the integrated cascade thermometer measure the suction(top evap) witch is -110 load!
  13. yes, R1150 (C2H4) 99,99 pure in second stage ..and some more improvment on the XV and evaporator arhitecture ( my own design)to hold much more load than regular used in cascade before , also first stage it use TEV(thermostatich exp valve) not cap tube
  14. you have a nice card and very low volt , don´t think your cascade can hold 1.7V on GT200:D
  15. Ofcurse is not the same like radiator in bucket of ice , is not the same even you put that radiator in dryice , because radiator arhitecture is not the same like platte HX , so heat exchange will be weak on radiator@DICE , also you will NOT have the same bench autonomy...on chiller you bench 24 hours without problem! people should understand how an phase waterchiller it works , i´m the builder of Ramiro unit , that unit is an monster ....here on hwbot don´t exist an phase chiller more powerfull than that unit!!!!
  16. waterchiller is an phase change , so it is a must to have separate category , like SS and cascade it have already! many people bench on chiller and chose custom water , so it is time to have an waterchiller category to avoid these misunderstandings!
  17. Hi , i hint deep cold slow with my gtx560Ti twin frozr II/OC at ~-80*C , bios flash are this from first page , but still CS issue. card pcb is same like gtx460hawk , but without dip switch mounted , i made manualy strap to "xtreme cool" , card ran perfectly at -68 on my phase and hint 1380 mhz gpu freq , but i can´t bench this card on my cascade ~ -115*C . know anyone to pass over -80 CS on these card?
  18. hi ,i have Z87 OCF and Z77 OCF all with original packing and accesories , mint conditions , are you intrested?
  19. max mem clock was 1300 , but his gpu at 1400 durring vantage gpu tests , this card can do on ambiental water ~1200 , on chilled water 1260 and single stages 1300( speak about my units) is picked from ~15 pcs over time:D ram clock make a huge difference when you play with gpu hight, hight mem bandwith archieve better bench fps!
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