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Everything posted by cbjaust

  1. Please change the Memory Batch from "F4-2400C10D-GTX" to "F3-2400C10D-16GTX" in this entry: https://hwbot.org/submission/4256015_cbjaust_unigine_heaven___basic_radeon_r9_280x_3903.3_dx9_marks and please change the Mempry Batch from "F3-2400C10D-GTX" to "F3-2400C10D-16GTX" in this entry: https://hwbot.org/submission/4256402_cbjaust_unigine_heaven___basic_radeon_r9_280x_3936.85_dx9_marks Thanks.
  2. are there competition points awarded for CC? Also a reminder about TC19 points...
  3. cbjaust

    TR 3990X

    Is coming: https://www.techspot.com/news/83424-amd-announces-threadripper-3990x-64-cores-128-threads.html Will need some new benchmarks ?
  4. The community is probably mostly unaware of Zenstates. I downloaded your application the other day after seeing you mention it in the discord. I will get around to querying my 3600X soon and 1800X later. Hopefully it will provide useful data. Edit: output added. SMUDebug_26306422.5744059.json
  5. Same with XTU. That and PR probably conceived by their respective company's dirty tricks marketing departments.
  6. nVidia's real time "ray tracing" tech demo won't last the distance. I reckon at best you'll have 3 generations of nVidia architectures that have their special implementation of "real time" ray tracing. Give it a year or two and then decide if it is worth giving points to. FYI, in case you didn't notice, nVidia used their marvellous and very useful implementation of ray tracing in Turing merely as an excuse to jack the price of GPUs into the stratosphere. heh. ?
  7. Windows 10 on pre skylake or AMD? Check the FAQ and benchmark rules page.
  8. There are proposals being floated. It would be good to not penalise new entries that have been saved but not uploaded provided the score a) Legitimate and b) is an improved score which makes obvious c) has not been uploaded previously. That said it's pretty funny to see the sandbags being jettisoned over the last couple of days . The panic is real!
  9. I disagree with your belief. The action taken was definitely not the right way to approach the situation and through the course of this thread changing from ? to ? just beggars belief. I know nothing of your gfp loophole benchmark.
  10. @yosarianilives more like a massive back pedal followed by damage control.
  11. the OCD has got the better of me For the VGA details in this competition entry: https://hwbot.org/submission/4248268_cbjaust_3dmark11_physics_athlon_64_x2_4200_(windsor)_1424_points please add "21162-00-50R" (without the quotes, obv.) to the Batch field. Thanks
  12. @err0r your screenshot at the imgur link is only a 750 kB .png file. Just upload that, much better than a cropped .jpg. Some of my screenshots are like 5 MB and hwbot will happily upload them.
  13. "hmmm, this seems dodgy... delete old scores, re-upload same scores in new season = profit. Scores get pinged. Remove scores, maybe lose a point or two here and there overall. Got plenty of points. Tornado ensues. Hailed as whistleblower = winner." ????‍♂️
  14. @The_Silver that is not how the points are awarded. A new and improved score uploaded this season will make a certain amount of points and the previous score will have all points awarded set to zero. The new season ranking will be increased by the number of points awarded to the new score. I just improved this score and it made 3.7 hardware points. My previous score now has zero points but it used to have 3.6 hardware points. My new score is now one of my top Top 30 Best Hardware Benchmark Results for 2020 with 3.7 points:
  15. Yes, that was the whole premise of the seasonal ranking; rebench and beat an old score, upload it and if it meets the requirements to add to the current season's points tally, profit. If you rebench and DON'T beat an old score no new points possible because your score would earn exactly zero for global, hardware, GTPP and TPP. If there was no seasonal ranking a new score less than an old score would most likely not be uploaded at all.
  16. yep number two is a grey area but if repeating the points you mention in 1) and 3) gets people to take notice and realise the rights and wrongs of competitive benching, I'm all for it.
  17. Yes, that's all well and good, however just because there's no specific rule doesn't change the fact that resubmitting old scores is clearly against the spirit that hwbot is trying to cultivate here. We're not robots and we don't need an algorithm to determine our ethics.
  18. @delly doesn't make it right. The guidline at hwbot is to report such dodgy practices, not join them.
  19. having a repository of scores that are better than your published scores is one thing. Deleting old scores and re-uploading them for the new season is entirely different. The first one is a sort of insurance the second is outright fraud. I'm hoping that any 'deleted' scores are available for staff to see.
  20. @TAGG have you had the chance to work with CPU-Z Vintage Edition? @KaRtA good suggestion, keeping the seasonal ranking to hardware and global points earned in competions plus the actual competion points as it is now is an interesting angle.
  21. You do realise he submitted old scores that were apparently already in the system, yeah?
  22. You should have discussed the penalty for infractions. 6 week holiday?
  23. This is going to make the Splave USB obsolete
  24. Here's an idea, BAN the offender. It's not like it was one or two entries made in the last days of the previous year. No, it was 10 to 15 re-subs of scores made up to TWO years ago. Some of them are from running in competitions clearly showing the background required at the time. Flagrant disregard for the spirit of the seasonal competition. Terrible sportsmanship. Edit: another idea, where Benchmate is applicable, make it a requirement and issue a new edition at the start of each year 00:00 UTC.
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