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Everything posted by keeph8n

  1. Here is my Black BC1
  2. Thanks man. It was unfortunate that I didn't catch the TurboV issue until after I was done for the night.
  3. Thank you for the kind words my dudes! Learned a few things on this run tonight that I’m going to try on my other chip and see if we can’t get some higher numbers.
  4. absolutely FANTASTIC. Thank you @_mat_
  5. Thank you sir! Had a couple of issues to work through. Unfortunately I didn't catch them until after I stopped for the evening. Going to give her another go this weekend.
  6. Linux can also give a large boost
  7. I don’t know that is a bugged run. I haven’t done GB4 enough to know what 16 core scores are like. I know there is a 2950X run done with Linux that scores way above what it should at the speeds it is at. I can throw the 2950X back in after 2970WX testing to see how far up I can push the 16 core inn gb4 if you would like.
  8. afaik, 3D does NOT have any OS limitations which both of the Stages in question falls under
  9. Why not get all the “heads of state” involved and conference call this and see what can be done. Hash it out real time. Mat, Mr Poole, someone from HWBOT, and maybe a few of the top benchers. Conference call this shit and get it all out in the open. All the fears, questions, concerns, etc. i enjoy benching Geekbench. Clearly I spent some of the morning yesterday snagging the score I did. I enjoy using BenchMate as it secures different benches so that I don’t have to worry about issues. Cleary i I would love to see Primate Labs and Mat work together to get the integration hashed out and working together. It’s best for the community going forward imo. Just some ramblings from a random nobody bencher.
  10. DM me here or on discord and let me see what I can do about a pot
  11. Thanks! Might have a tiny bit left in the tank, but we'll have to revisit another day
  12. Huge congratulations are in order for you!
  13. Internal pics in case you wondered
  14. Bump for price changes.
  15. Thanks fellas. Pretty strong chip from what I can tell so far. Going to try and squeeze a bit more out of it
  16. Unfortunately I tried every single available public bios for the Creation and every single one had the same issues. Doesn’t get stuck on a particular post code and just loops. Simply enabling LN2 mode on the ZEA and ZERO issues for multiple hours
  17. Thanks Mick! Yeah it was unfortunate about the Creation as it is an awesome board in its own right.
  18. @jpoole so in interest of a third party looking in here, is there a way that both parties can work together to resolve this in a way that makes everyone happy?
  19. I mean I think its honestly a bit more than that, as @_mat_ is the one on the line here.
  20. Please add ASUS X399 Zenith Extreme Alpha motherboard.
  21. Realistically it almost sounds like WE as XOC people should have a letter written up explaining that we want the parties to be able to work together moving forward, and ALL of us submit emails. There is no reason for them to not work WITH the people that use their benchmarks consistently. They are missing a large opportunity here imo.
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