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Everything posted by 3urner

  1. Just wait I'm going to catch up soon mate ? Why do you think win 7 is the most efficient os?
  2. Nice mate! So win server is really more efficient than win 10. My cpu clocks a bit higher than yours on uncore but my score is worse. You give me even more motivation to revisit my score ;)
  3. HiCookie just released the new GTL no microcode version: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1qAfjS4MnxOS8BW-FOx9f5rlupLw_9GzQ/view?fbclid=IwAR1aRUQAttNaq2cFMD0BGjf3n6xpSprGDpYPflq7fjwEAz8EkHqkNZwFDuc Quote HiCookie's manual: GTL for No microcode preview version is out! master and extreme(WF) would work, not sure the rests. This patch fixes the CPU/Uncore ratios and throttling issues for overclockers using our Z490 no code bios 1. must use Vcore fix mode (PWM to CPU) ( or Vcore mode: auto with voltage = fixed mode ) 2. Boot in the OS, open GTL and click the "patch" 3. each time you want to reboot OS, click "restore" in case hang at restarting. 4. This patch isn't for "removing microcode from current bios", it's for fixing ratios and power with nocode bios. You can open CPUz then click " patch" and " restore" back and forth, and see frequencies changing on CPUz. end quote.
  4. Yeah 20mhz would be margin of error but its 40 mhz and it was tested not just once. So I am pretty sure it helped. At least the pot isn't worse than bevor and anyone who might consider doing this to their F1 will have a small benefit ?
  5. Hey guys, during the development of my ln2 pot I modified a Kingping F1 Dark to see if I where right with an assumption. I connected the 4 inner holes of the pot with an cnc mill. I let a pillar in the middle standing. The results where really good. @P5ych0 tested the Pot bevor and after the modification on his i9 9900ks. Result: The pot maintains the tempreature under load much better (looses 3°C less than bevor) and is able to push the chip to 6.9Ghz in cb r15. Bevor the modification 6.86 ish where the max the pot could handle. Picture of the mod:
  6. Looks like I need to revisit my score sooner than expexted :) Chose your next pot wisely ;)
  7. Hi guys, -time to update this post -again: I am selling both REAKTOR 2.2 and REAKTOR 3.0 (TR). Both are CPU LN2 Pots / Liquid Nitrogen Containers. REAKTOR 3.0 (TR) is the further improved version of REAKTOR 2.2. If you want to know the exact details and the difference between the two versions you can find it here: https://www.burningoc.de/reaktor REAKTOR \G GPU LN2 POT Time to start a new gpu cooling era with the REAKTOR \G GPU LN2 Pot. You can find all the information about this pot on my website! If you are have any questions, or want to buy your REAKTOR, you can contact me here or via the contact form on my website or even on Facebook! Thanks, Pascal / 3urner
  8. That is a really kind act of yours! Thank you very much!
  9. Really nice! I hoped that there will be a xoc bios and tool for the Unify Itx but never thought it would happen. Then I'm gonna buy a uniy and apex to test those two.
  10. That would interest me too. Since Apex won't be directly avaiable at launch this one could be a cheaper option for time beeing. The Z390 Itx from MSI was pretty good at mem oc.
  11. Does anyone know when this board will be for sale? I heard it will be launched later and it isn't listed in any german shop as all other boards.
  12. Then 8urner with 8 instead of B if possible
  13. Could you please also change my username to: Burner Thank you in advance!
  14. Here is the Proof that the screenshot was Photoshoped: For all who dont know what the Picture shows: purple means that the writing was not photoshoped and grey means photoshoped. As you can claerly see the 3 cpu z screenshots on the right are all purple because they are original but the score and the left cpu z screenshot are grey because they are not original. T
  15. WTF either there is a way to get Intel X series Cpus to fullpot that no one noticed or your photoshop skills are way better than your overclocking skills
  16. No is sold and can be closed!
  17. Hello, I am looking for a Ryzen 7 3800x. I wanna use the Cpu daily so if 4,5 allcore is stable it would be nice. If anyone has a 3800x which is also good under ln2 I am even more interested! Please let me know if you have one!
  18. This Cpu has been used in my daily Rig. It can run 1900fclk and with goog cooling 4,5 allcore. Cpu is boxed with billing includet. Cpu is currently used in my watercooled daily rig. I am looking for 750 euros + Shipping and Paypal fees because the cpu is a really good one. Contact me if there are any questions!
  19. All sold can be closed now!
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