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Everything posted by CL3P20

  1. Rbuass - Cold Slow Bios to GTX 560 Ti 448 - shouldnt be needed..cards can run cold just fine. @ elmor - you have the 2GB edition with NCP IC ?
  2. still showing same on Maxpower as previous.. cant imagine what has been causing all of the different readings from one manufacturer to the next.. though same CPU needs different vcore and SVID in different branded mobo too.. so, go figure.
  3. mods should be same as GTX570 TFIII PE/OC http://www.overclock.net/t/1203434/msi-gtx570-tfiii-pe-hardmod
  4. power delivery is just fine.. with cold booting below 1.9v **you need more than that, you had better find it in the OS. Ripple and overshoot have not been a strong point of MSI power circuitry in the past..
  5. Ohh.. I just threw up in my mouth a bit, lookin at that photo. Thankfully, its dry enough where I live to bench with no real prep and minimal coverage of anything really. Vas in the RAM and PCI-E is a must for going cold on everything, still.. but the amount of vas in that pic is insanity. I dont want to ever live/bench somewhere where the amount of humidity is high enough to warrant that..
  6. This is more of an achievement than most realize. Hard to imagine what could be in there still if MSI would fix RTL and secondary skew tuning/training
  7. Maybe we should E-power the board for better VRM, lolz. Vcore overshoot is like a tidal-wave.. vdroop like a deep canyon .. poor CPU is just along for the ride until the 'fets decide to go 'supernova'
  8. both QDxx's show "Intel CPU 0000" in CPU-Z 1.64 .. max multi is that of stock turbo multi.. so non-K as well *QDE4 = b0 as well
  9. QDE4 = ? 4c/8t QD4C = ? 4c/4t QE6V = 4670k
  10. You may onto something there MM.. I would tend to agree that MSI PWM seem 'allergic' to a good slathering of Vas. I dont use it for anything other than mem and PCI-E slots on them now. *only MSI i have lost was due to moisture.. and had vas on the PWM.. Since then, I run 'dry' with only minor bit of frost king around the socket and towels... been through +6hr sessions with +40% humidity, with more MSI boards than I can count and not had another issue since..
  11. @ l0ud - You try Tertiary first.. then setting secondaries? I was able to get them dialed down for some of the runs I did previously.. had to set them first though, and tighten secondaries down after...kinda funny, but it worked. Must be training issue with tertiary detection/settings. What BIOS you on now?
  12. first 5ghz time with 3570k..should get me on the board http://hwbot.org/submission/2380660_cl3p20_superpi___32m_core_i5_3570k_6min_22sec_735ms?recalculate=true
  13. Every one can see the leak is a secondary action. I singled out no one in my comments, nor have I placed any blame. I have nothing to hide *pun*. @ MM - I'm certain your phone calls had nothing to do with me..who am I that MSI would be contacting you..on ..what, my behalf, influence, suggestion? Its a flattering idea..surely you jest. I think there was more 'speaking for others' than there were any direct discussions. I replied via email to an initial 'wtf!?' I found in my inbox.. but things have been quiet since. I was just being an ass in my posts because I was still a bit sour over it.. or the 'principle' or being ratted out by fellow members of the community - intentional or not. Piss on my boots then apologize..dont worry, I'll still let you but me a beer some time. *so.. how bout that 32mil?
  14. Any add banners get pulled or you guys just focusing on ripping apart the only big manufacturer that doesn't pay for a banner at this point? ..some edits flying around already after the phone calls.. *the shenanigans never cease to amaze me.
  15. C'mon out with the Gigabut valids haters! You guls get your cocks in a knot cuz they were late sending you samples or what?
  16. Great result. Best of luck pushing the little bugger further.
  17. jr. Ruski ..? Where "borris" at? Bruce needs something to work for..
  18. battle of the cores for cinebench right now.. Bruce and DJ are some Server OC loonies !
  19. CL3P20

    [FS] 6.7GHz? 3770K

    bump for sale.. **maybe CBB was from all that toothpaste you used
  20. i need another shot at going to grab more of those MSI grenades ! hehee
  21. Good crowd! Cant wait to peek at the action..
  22. Go DJ.. thats my DJ .. lolz Give 'em hell bro !
  23. OCN's in the mix now.. brought a few friends to play too
  24. After editing I only have a few seconds of usable video.. too much to clip out..maybe enough for a rough mash-up.. with an audio overlay..but who has time for that? *and to the Intel birds that got spooked... That is bassplayers Z77 UD4.. not a Z87 that is pic'd and frozen.. though if you would like to send me some to test.... along with a nice IMC
  25. updated the OCN thread with pics from the event.. here are a couple.. check the thread link below for the rest. http://www.overclock.net/t/1365479/ocn-event-ncal-ln-fest-2-cold-with-cl3p20-again/0_40#post_19396532
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