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Everything posted by ObscureParadox

  1. Sure that's fine, PM me and I'll sort stuff out with you later on tonight
  2. Bit of a collectors item here really and price reflects that, legendary CPU which I believe is still the highest stock clock of any intel CPU released to date. CPU has been LN2 overclocked and if you want to see the results then check my account. One of the very few retail versions of the CPU that I've seen. Any questions please ask or feel free to PM me an offer. £100 inc postage.
  3. Honestly don't blame you pal, lets not forget they even had the cheek to say that I took money for the event and kept it to myself. I may be many things but a thief certainly isn't one of those things.
  4. Guys can someone close this thread, isn't really conductive and a matter like this should be discussed behind closed doors.
  5. There has been no talk of whether the venue has a good selection of fine single malts yet, I am making it my duty to ensure this is a top priority.
  6. I only just noticed too this is on a little 970 board, pretty impressive!
  7. Bit of both really, venue, sponsors (if we have any) time for those from abroad to either book time off work or get tickets finances sorted etc. + with it being that close to christmas, those with kids wouldn't appreciate how soon this would all be thrown together.
  8. Yeah when trying to organise something that big that's pretty much no time at all
  9. I am really not sure what I'm missing here, basically I can get up to 600FSB and use any ram setting I want with full stability, anything after that an I need to turn ram speeds right down to have the slightest bit of stability. Now I am probably forgetting something basic here but I've seen guys with 700FSB screenshots and over 2K ram clocks. Just a pointer really at what setting I could possibly be missing or forgetting would be really appreciated.
  10. Hope you guys have an amazing day and spend it with friends, loved ones and alcohol
  11. Whether it seems petty those are the rules, I agreed but hadn't said anything until now. I feel bad for the guy if they are removed but we have to be consistent in order to keep people happy and know where they stand. Now with regards to the potential Z270 "ES" issue I'm kind of on the fence on where I deem it "legal" or not with regards to the rules. In theory it's not like this is a product that is completely unavailable to users on here (i.e. you don't have to be Dancop or 8Pack to own one) and kinda falls into the same bracket as the Galaxy Cards which we never put down as an "ES" card. Again to be consistent I don't believe we should put the card down as an "ES" motherboard. Just my 2c and I know I don't completely share the opinions of the team but these are simply my own and do not reflect their views in any way.
  12. I'm sure its going to get added soon anyway, pretty much every 3D mark does. But agree, its time!
  13. Not long turned 22 here, been overclocking for the best part of 6 years now, been on LN2 for around half that time. Have somehow managed to amass enough CPUs to have more computing power than the whole of North Korea, not sure how I managed to afford it all....
  14. You been a mod for so long you forgot what its like to be a mere mortal.
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