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Everything posted by ObscureParadox

  1. god damn it, I have a z170 board and 1 x 16GB for sale here
  2. I don't think Pete goes that far north last I spoke to him, but of course give him a ring anyway to find out for sure
  3. Cheers guys, thanks for the recalc, didn't even notice it was removed @TAGG yeah I'm pretty lucky to have this
  4. interesting to note on scaling, is it similar to athlon 64 where you get FSB issues or is it simply poor core scaling? Either way hitting 3GHz is still really good
  5. Cheers guys! Yeah picture size was the first thing I checked, its only 0.2mb so not sure whats going on, will PM you on facebook with it Michael @CBJaust, bought a few of them a couple of years back now for what I think was the 2014 team or country cup, they arrived about a week after the competition ended which was a pain at the time
  6. Won't accept my picture of the rig for some reason, will need help adding it.
  7. Can you post the result in here for people to have a look at it and help you out
  8. Don't use that as a reason not to get more hardware, the more the merrier
  9. bump again, updating listing tonight and small price drop on board
  10. Bump again, GTX 260 available and not had contact with motherboard buyer for a while so that may yet still be available.
  11. Just to update thread quick, I do have 2 PMs regarding the pot from 2 different potential buyers, so as of now consider the pot sold until otherwise stated.
  12. Fantastic pot made by vince, perfect for full pot benching on Ivy, Skylake, Kaby lake and I believe now even Ryzen CPUs ( i think they are full pot ) Pics below, price is £130 + postage to wherever you are in the world.
  13. Bump, haven't heard from the buyer of the REX in a couple of days so I guess its still on the market?
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