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Everything posted by ObscureParadox

  1. @jumper do you select 2 x E8400 when you submit? That's the only way this bug should happen
  2. Yeah but picture you are new to OC and you want to be competitive, how are you going to be able to contest those who have 3K competition points stored up over 10 years? It wouldn't be a fair system really.
  3. There were some really fun stages back in the 2014 Team cup like the %OC records which were really fun. On a constructive note I do agree with keeping the restricions on 2D stages to socket type only, with Ram OC then clearly ram type etc.. It's all very well and good wanting to compete in a socket 462 stage with your Athlon XP, but 90% of the people who bench that kind of hardware would have an NF2 board ready to go, not a single channel VIA chipset. I think for the platform to continue and succeed you need to make stages that will be highly competitive and that means having as many people involved as possible. That kinda goes with my point earlier about making the competition accesable to all.
  4. Even if we wanted to use 8 for Super Pi etc it's just so much slower. I mean you have fixes for 8/10 for your 3D Marks so you can at least bench them on the OS.
  5. That would be alllwed anyway since you're not running the benchmark from the windows 8 install? There is nothing stopping you from submitting the results from a windows 8 or newer system as long as you didn't run the benchmark on that OS?
  6. And how would running it from a booting USB solve the issue? The timing would still go off and the benchmark scores would be incorrect.
  7. Cheers guys @steponz I lost my USB stick that I took with me to university, small problem but just means I have an excuse to bench the platform again but this time with cold mems
  8. Just seen this now,awesome result dude, a little more on the cache and this might have been your record.
  9. http://hwbot.org/competition/team_cup_2014_sc1/ And http://oc-esports.io/#!/round/team_cup_2015_sc4 I'm getting first place points for when I have no firsts. If I remember correctly I was top for a while in the intel percentage OC one and the mobile HWBot prime in the 2015 team cup, so it's those two bugging out for me.
  10. Seems to be fixed for a couple but I still think my points are inflated. Got firsts when I don't have any from this years cup and last. Might just need to be recalculated or something on my end so I'll give it a go
  11. If this is an issue you're having on older motherboard then try going to the install folder and edit the .cfg file. You'll want to change the value of the sensor part to 0. This will stop the voltage from reading but you'll be able to open two CPU-Z programs without it crashing Hope this works for you.
  12. OC-Esports points still don't make sense on my account, happy to get the extra points but I know I'm not entitled to them
  13. viper may I suggest you take a breathe and calm down for a second, as others have stated if any mistake was made then it would be an innocent one and not intended by Rasparthe. I suggest you let the mods do their work and not start a witch hunt in the forums
  14. Very nicely done dude, you got this CPU delidded yet or still on standard paste?
  15. you need to be in the elite league for points on this dude awesome score though!!!
  16. What he means is that it isn't required for ambient cooling, you should max the CPU with a bog standard release BIOS
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