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Everything posted by ObscureParadox

  1. urgh, mobile didn't load the full conversation and I only saw the space suit, derp on my part.....
  2. Were the suits not filled with oxygen anyway? So surely oxidization would still be an issue?
  3. It's a good question, but suppose you had a competition for 280X only, would 7970 be allowed too? Same core different name. I know it's slightly different but it's all in a name. At the end of the day I can only guess and I don't know the answer. Wait for one of the mods to make a decision.
  4. A lot Made no difference between 1.7 and 1.9v just didn't do 5.7 Going to try it again and force feed it some inlut volts and see if that helps
  5. I've just noticed the active team sticker that is on team pages now and was just wondering what the requirements for that are? I ask as I noticed that benchtech is classed as an active team which isn't right at all, the last person who is still on their team that uploaded a result in the last year was bustah and that was nearly 10 months ago? Just curious as I think the requirements could use a bit of work.
  6. No they had a CPU cooler with a copper base and heatpipe too.
  7. right so you have the latest GPU heatsink. I'll have a look for a CPU one here then
  8. Why should a person be restricted to simply one life partner
  9. Truth be told dude you are better off getting the later model heatsinks, they were better at cooling the system down and with good thermal paste + the later model heatsinks they weren't that hot. I might have a few here, PM me on skype if you want me to send you them? From what I can remember also it wasn't really a temp related issue that the 360 had. More than anything it was poor solder joints on the GPU that cracked and stopped the system from working, so reducing voltage might not really be needed. At the end of the day most laptops run 80c+ daily without much issue.
  10. Massman has found his life partner, everyone rejoice!!
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