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Everything posted by ObscureParadox

  1. It's an OS thing, I only ended up with 1400 when I ran at 5.5GHz but I don't really have the answer since I have no time for XTU
  2. Awesome stuff mate, CPU seems to be solid!!
  3. We have 5 in the top 20 now, awesome stuff team
  4. Not going to lie, didn't understand this at all but if run on the test server I'm sure I might understand it better. But using top 20 scores, does this mean that smaller teams like classicplatforms are now going to suffer compared to the giants like OCN? Also using an average you could be in a small team where 8 Pack submits a WR score for 3D11 for example and most of the other users are only able to run on 5870s so then we get a lower overall average right? If this is correct then for me it only really seems to encourage those who have the wallets to spend on as many newer pieces of kit as possible so people like CP are really going to struggle again here. I mean forgive me if I'm wrong but this formula seems to only cater for newer hardware and leaves older hardware in the dust a bit?
  5. Nice mate!!! Seems you've got a half decent one there at least, good replacement for your old 4770K anyway
  6. You need to get that GPU on an X99 system for this, easy points then. All the same awesome result and looking forward to seeing what you can get with it
  7. I call BS, us geeks don't get GFs. Alternative truth : Had busy night with LN2 Gets home to empty house as not even the cat loves you anymore Orders Dominos Has Netflix and chill on your own Initiates date with right hand Cries self to sleep.
  8. Jesus XA, so close to No 1. in elite now, keep pushing dude you're nearly there!!
  9. @stivut I think you need to get off your beer What Matt said is right, you posted an R15 score as a 11.5 score
  10. Need that cache up to help the memory scores. Also if you could freeze PSC for this it would help a lot!!
  11. Yes I understand it's mot a bug per say but it's a damn sight easier to call it that than the RTC issue or w/e. And yes we know that they won't release a fix, we also know that on a stock windows install of 8 or newer that it's going to cause issues with benchmark timers. This we all agree on right? So why whine about the fact we can't use 8 or newer if you already know all this?
  12. Same thing, windows 10 has the same bug as windows 8 we've already established this. Forgive me for sounding rude but what are you on about then?
  13. Stay safe guys
  14. As far as I can see your solution effectively involves running the benchmark on windows 7? So that's not a fix for windows 8, that's just not using it in the first place?
  15. @jumper do you select 2 x E8400 when you submit? That's the only way this bug should happen
  16. is this one of your 001 CPUs or is this a new one?
  17. Yeah but picture you are new to OC and you want to be competitive, how are you going to be able to contest those who have 3K competition points stored up over 10 years? It wouldn't be a fair system really.
  18. There were some really fun stages back in the 2014 Team cup like the %OC records which were really fun. On a constructive note I do agree with keeping the restricions on 2D stages to socket type only, with Ram OC then clearly ram type etc.. It's all very well and good wanting to compete in a socket 462 stage with your Athlon XP, but 90% of the people who bench that kind of hardware would have an NF2 board ready to go, not a single channel VIA chipset. I think for the platform to continue and succeed you need to make stages that will be highly competitive and that means having as many people involved as possible. That kinda goes with my point earlier about making the competition accesable to all.
  19. Even if we wanted to use 8 for Super Pi etc it's just so much slower. I mean you have fixes for 8/10 for your 3D Marks so you can at least bench them on the OS.
  20. That would be alllwed anyway since you're not running the benchmark from the windows 8 install? There is nothing stopping you from submitting the results from a windows 8 or newer system as long as you didn't run the benchmark on that OS?
  21. And how would running it from a booting USB solve the issue? The timing would still go off and the benchmark scores would be incorrect.
  22. Cheers guys @steponz I lost my USB stick that I took with me to university, small problem but just means I have an excuse to bench the platform again but this time with cold mems
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