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Everything posted by ObscureParadox

  1. This bench doesn't really care about ram, R15 does though
  2. Cheers guys @george.kokovinis thank you very much my friend, incredibly kind comment to make
  3. I just noticed there is a small bug on the leaderboards of subs made for the HWBot world tour Super Pi 1M HWBot Points comp, just shows up as the points total instead of the time in the leaderboard for the CPU now. http://hwbot.org/hardware/processor/core_i3_540/ like that, same as when you look at the submission. Not a huge priority but just a small bug.
  4. Cheers bud, CPU is close to the limit here, 6270MHz seems max at the moment, got more globals to come for the team once I can have a day to bench it
  5. Dat graphics score Amazing result, especially considering what is an "average" CPU.
  6. I agree that the cores are effecitvely the same thing, but for the sake of not overcomplicating things can we just keep it to those with fury in the name.
  7. Will take kit 2 if it's still available? Is the bad kit marked at all so I know which one to reball?
  8. True that! Better than the ones I have here anyway
  9. This is just for a FSB valid Kenny, CPU has potential though
  10. At least they were honest with their findings and are compensating you
  11. What is this? you just dun goofed on your own benchmark
  12. Wait when did you get a 7970 lightning?? All the same great score dude
  13. I mean the result is invalid because that detail is blocked
  14. It's a good question, but suppose you had a competition for 280X only, would 7970 be allowed too? Same core different name. I know it's slightly different but it's all in a name. At the end of the day I can only guess and I don't know the answer. Wait for one of the mods to make a decision.
  15. A lot Made no difference between 1.7 and 1.9v just didn't do 5.7 Going to try it again and force feed it some inlut volts and see if that helps
  16. Great score dude!! Muchos globals had here
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