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Everything posted by ObscureParadox

  1. Also superconducting in CPUs is a no no since we need them to be semi conductors in order to function properly. Itherwise we will get a bunch of 0s or 1s coming through and nothing else.
  2. Your post seem to be getting constantly more aggressive, tone it down a bit....... On a side note I'm pretty sure the guy is right, when it starts going sub zero I'm pretty sure you're not allowed to do it anymore. You could argue that the water chillers are phase coolers anyway since they are effectively cooling using the same sort of system, but we know that not to be true. What's important is we draw the line somewhere, can't have a waterloop at -20c with treated water or other coolant and still call it water cooling, becomes a bit of a joke then....
  3. Booya, there it is, knew it was only a matter of time from you, really well done mate, top stuff!!!
  4. The hell are you doing to them I've used and abused my P4C800-E so many times and it's still working I've even had the NB bare with a makeshift "eraser pot" pouring LN2 on the bare die for a laugh and it still wants to work
  5. Was waiting for someone other than myself to say this
  6. Very nice gesture indeed. Thanks guys!!
  7. I assume prices are in Euros but you forgot to put a symbol in front of the value
  8. Will take the last 1.325v E8400 mate, shoot me a PM and I'll get the payment sorted for you during the day
  9. So close mate. The CPU might be able to do more on LN2 though so you never know.
  10. Windows 7 was better for PCMark 05 and it might be better for PCMark 04 too. Are you using a cut down windows 7 or a full one because that will make a difference too.
  11. I have a 775 rig set up at the moment so I suppose I could give it a try also.
  12. Ouch that sucks Scott, what went bang exactly? Was it some fets or the NB like me
  13. Cheers bud, it'll be on dual channel DDR3 soon, waiting on LN2 first since the CPU is maxed for SS but can do much more with a little more cold.
  14. Ouch that sucks I've got mine coming back to me soon so I'll give it a go on the board also. I do think that this isn't the CPU for this benchmark though and you'll probably get more on the Semprons since it's an interger benchmark and the interger performance on the AMD chips isn't that bad.
  15. Thanks game theory, I will get the batch number for you when the system has warmed up and I can see the phase unit. All the L3014s have the same batch number though or so I've been told. Thanks Kotori-san
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