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Everything posted by ObscureParadox

  1. As websmile said, you need to use a CPU that is a native single core in order to be ranked for a single core score. If it were that easy to use a 4770K for it then we'd all be doing it
  2. Yeah also talking to the user regarding this. It's an innocent mistake as it just looks to be a bug with the newer drivers really.
  3. The only reason I didn't say latest sockets too is that it could be more difficult to predict how many submissions will be made on the socket from release and you don't want to make it too difficult or hard to achieve.
  4. I think the point is for MSI to cover their own backside and to make sure that the people who have access to the software know what they're doing and are not some randomer who's just discovered OC and wants to see how far he can get by pushing 1.8 volts through his new shiny 290x lightning and quickly brick it. I don't see the issue in just asking politely and waiting for a reply.
  5. Do you have a screenshot you could add for this submission please?
  6. Will take if Devlos doesn't want, need a second heavy pot for the my summer benching schedule.
  7. Seems legit enough to me, it's the new shamino motherboard that makes this possible
  8. Yup, L2s are all terrible here. Got 20 of them just for research and all were terrible 420FSB or lower
  9. I think it's time that we had a few new achievements, what I'm suggesting is that we have a new batch of some of the socket achievements for the now EOL sockets, i.e. 1155, AM3, AM2, FM1 etc etc Also a couple of others I think might be good are AMD 64 guru (any AMD 64 chip across 754, 939, AM2 etc) and Pentium 4 guru (Same thing across different socket.) I don't know what to suggest as numbers for these since I'm sure you guys have some sort of calculations for what each one should be but I do believe these would be good additions.
  10. Crazy CPU, 520FSB on ambient is just insane Agree with Sam, wish I had your luck, of the last 40 I bought best was 470 on air.......
  11. Run validations on XP, much less demanding and you might be able to get that 6.5GHz
  12. Some of these ES CPUs are an absolute joke when compared to 99% of retails. I know that is the case normally but the difference seems much bigger with Haswell-E
  13. If I understood your post correctly what your saying is that if you started competing in the Rookie rumble and you advanced to the enthusiast league for example half way through, you should be allowed to continue competing until the end of the competition. I think this is pretty sure but I have no idea if this is already in place or not.
  14. you can buy latest BIOS chips on ebay for less than the cost of a CPU, just something to consider
  15. Almost certainly a false positive, downloaded it from here and had no such issues.
  16. I would also argue that the older benchmarks shouldn't lose their world record points until some replacements can be found.
  17. Because it's pretty damn easy to find
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