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Everything posted by ObscureParadox

  1. I can't view yours at all, I went to check mine and it worked first time.
  2. guys please, as Mr.Scott explained the mods will get this sorted and you just have to be patient. They are not superhuman and they will make mistakes from time to time just like anybody else. Giving them hassle doesn't really solve anything.
  3. Just bought one of these now, will give it a go next week
  4. the level of wrong is too much for me to handle Take a look at the rules more closely and try again.
  5. Nice to see some pics of this bud. Looks pretty damn good so far! Could turn this into one of those build logs
  6. Also got some in Kenny's recommendation some time ago, have yet to try it out yet but from what I've seen will help a lot, especially in the slightly harder to solder places on the board. In regards to tips I've found that the very small ones are actually kind if useless. They don't have the mass to keep hot enough and you end up being unable to really use the end of the tip on them for this reason. I got a medium sized one on iron as it's a nice balance of mass and size to allow you to solder the hard to reach places whilst also keeping enough heat in the iron to get the job done easily.
  7. I'll take the evbot doug, let me know your payment details and I'll get it done straight away
  8. have you got any more news on the other EVBot bud?
  9. CPU speed = impossible score is what he's getting at. It's been updated to 4.9GHz now anyway
  10. Very much interested in the evbot if I could have first dibs after brendan for the other?
  11. small bug on the site where there is no No. 1 overclocker, starts at No. 2 http://oc-esports.io/#!/rankings
  12. Nice frequency though dude, did you not get any improvement at all with one core? It sometimes helped me to get maybe 5MHz more on the FSB which isn't much but it's still something.
  13. nope wasn't a track, I already looked over it for that and was extremely unlikely to be that. I do actually maybe have another theory, nick you haven't thrown that card yet have you?
  14. they do deliver there but the problem was that they weren't in the area anywhere near when I was planning to go. They're on a 6 week schedule in brendans place and I was planning on coming right in the middle of said schedule
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