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Everything posted by ObscureParadox

  1. I have no watercooling here to test sorry, I don't even have a proper air cooler anymore other than stock coolers that come with the CPU. All I can really do is put a stock cooler on and maybe test 5GHz boot?
  2. 1) 4790K - SOLD Used once for some 3D benching on DICE but have no use for it now, was a decent enough clocker and did all my 3D benches at around 5.4GHz 2) G.SKill Ripjaws 2000MHz C9 1.6v - SOLD Had these in a draw for a while, believe them to be PSC due to their operating voltage and rated speeds. Made with the ST PCB that some of the G.SKill Pi series were made with. Average clockers and price reflects that. 2500MHz 8-12-8-24 was around Max. 3) Penitum G3240 - £35 inc shipping Best clocker of the bunch I had. Will do 109.6MHz BCLK under single stage, fantastic chip for anyone who wants to try their luck at the G.Skill world cup. Could possibly (and I assume it should) hit well over 110MHz BCLK under LN2. 4) Pentium G3240 - SOLD Overclocks a little worse than the other one at 108.7MHz BCLK on single stage. Still a very decent above average chip.
  3. Got a few of those zalman coolers lying around that I totally forgot about, I really want to find a use for them now
  4. Try getting some more out of the Cache and Ram. All helps a bit but I can't claim to be an XTU expert as I've only ever ran it once or twice Nice CPU though dude, is this the L318B359 one? If so I'm feeling pretty confident for when I get to bench mine
  5. Ouch that pain D: May I also add that the G3240s aren't anywhere near as much fun as a good 4770K
  6. Where is the link for the Wallpaper please, says Available here : then nothing after that Edit : Found it by looking at a stage. Fix the rules section please
  7. Only got a chance to test mine on the SS and would easily do 5.7GHz @1.5v was also tested 1.275v out of curiosity and was stable at 5.1GHz at this speed. Very pleased with this CPU, not bad for -50c anyway.
  8. Would like to give a bump to a good man. Has been binning these chips for a while and they are worth the money.
  9. will take them both, PM me your details and I'll get everything sorted for you in the morning. About to head to bed now.
  10. Best £350 you ever spent?? Nice result bro. Bench everything on that chip!!
  11. You Aussies really are destroying the rest of the world with your memory overclocking. Good stuff dude, well done
  12. Got the exact same batch here but yet to try it out yet. Will only be able to test on air and phase until next month.
  13. can't be Vas when the board had putty
  14. Got an L318 here too but not tested yet. Will report back when I test it later on today.
  15. Just curious really as to what is the better IC of the two if there really is any difference at all really. Lewis.
  16. Well effectively if you want the elite users to get less out of their results then effectively you are going to be punishing them. Like I said in a previous post, the impact that elite users have on team rankings is very small in my opinion. Anyone can get a lot of team power points by benching a lot of 775 CPUs for example. You can get them for less than a pound a CPU here in the UK now so you can't really say that you can't afford to keep up with the elite in terms of TPP. I mean most of the elite don't have the sort of time to go benching much older hardware compare to the enthusiasts anyway.
  17. This is effectively the same impression that I'm getting too. I think there are far too many jealous people doing this.
  18. The problem you seem to have more than anything is with the team rankings being affected by the looks of things and this is probably the area it's affected the least. Don't forgot that you can get a vast amount of team power points from a plethora of different hardware. Take classicplatforms for example, they bench next to no new hardware and don't have anybody with sponsors on their team, yet with some hard work and dedication the team of 16 people have managed to get to 5th place in the rankings by benching mainly older hardware.
  19. Nice score, is there anything more to get out of the GPU core or is this the sort of clocks I should expect with SS cooling?
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