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Everything posted by ObscureParadox

  1. Any chance you guys could get some EVBots in stock so people can buy the EPowers and use them properly??
  2. Looks like you have an amazing CPU there, congrats, keep pushing it!
  3. You can put any old screenshot in and it will be validated bud, the system isn't smart enough to look through a screenshot for the benchmark and score.
  4. haha should be fixed now, sorry about that, didn't realise it was full
  5. will take the patriot kit off you. Send me your payment details and I'll get that sent tonight.
  6. Postponed till 12th of May by the looks of things, as long as we get the three months like last time I'm happy
  7. I think the point is that we weren't approaching the limit on release day. Agreed that 32B is the best way forward for GPUs, I would personally like to see the Global and world record points on the 32B bench and just hardware on 1B. Just to help with the longevity of the benchmark. On a side note I did give it a quick run yesterday and I quite like the benchmark, it's nice and easy to use with built in tweaking too
  8. For the very best chips that's what you look for yeah. I just sold what was a pretty decent chip that managed to do 5GHz boot at 1.35v and would do 5.6GHz Super Pi @ 1.55v on single stage. I found some chips that are great on air that have absolutely no cold scaling and some that are terrible on air but scale really well on cold too. I hate Haswell for that
  9. So MLG came 6th in the first Novice nimble, great stuff really proud of the guys. The problem is that we get reminded about it on the hour every hour. Kinda makes it more difficult for me to find new submissions by our team members for me to look at. Here's a link for you to see what I'm on about : http://hwbot.org/team/team_mlg/ Many thanks.
  10. I wish, I spent a little too much last month
  11. BUMP 4790K sold and more to be added soon.
  12. Turn off the energy saving in BIOS and in windows and you might get an increase in score. Good job so far though dude
  13. What BCLK strap are you guys using? 125MHz gave me more problems than 100 when I tried it out for the first time a few weeks ago.
  14. Don't worry too much about it dude. We've all started somewhere. Best thing to do is to remove the result and resubmit when you get a non bugged run before anyone starts flaming or anything.
  15. Result is bugged dude, score like this is impossible on AMD with any ram speed.
  16. Did you ever get round to finishing this, would be very interested in seeing the final product.
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