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Everything posted by ObscureParadox

  1. Canada : I'm not your friend buddy USA : I'm not your buddy guy Canada : I'm not my guy friend USA : I'm not your friend buddy
  2. So I was looking through some results and I noticed that despite two results having the same score and the same amout of user points awarded, the team power points were different. I was just wondering if this was by design or if they were both meant to be equal. Examples here ; http://hwbot.org/submission/3027845_l0ud_sil3nc3_xtu_core_i3_6320_740_marks/ http://hwbot.org/submission/3029432_rauf_xtu_core_i3_6320_740_marks/
  3. I guess LN2 doesn't help on this system at all then You need to get those ram sticks cold next and try for first, I know you got it in you
  4. Huge score dude, really well done, I'm sure there is more to come though
  5. I'm not sure what I like more about this thread, the info or the drama that followed. Best thread of the year, 10/10
  6. I don't know why i found this as funny as I did. Probably because I used to constantly save to my device too and have a stash of now lost mods and guides on my old phone.
  7. I don't have the floor space to take a picture of mine, + they are not all stored in the same building for that reason Nice collection of gigas though, gotta love the X58A-OC!!!
  8. as TR said, keep PLL low, 1.5v is min in your case I believe, increase NB volts but get a fan over it. Also you need to get something better than an Intel stock cooler to overclock with so that's holding you back too.
  9. Communication regarding skylake in windows 8 and newer was made a long time ago now and was said to be fine. Dancop was simply more up to date on the rules than yourself Taloken.
  10. Top score Josh, seems a really nice CPU you got there. You should have a go at entering the hyperx HOT competition with that rig
  11. Nicely done Brendan, now hurry up and get your backside out of bed and push for more
  12. I want to point out before I start that I am in no way bashing the benchmark or anything anyone at HWBot is doing for this benchmark at all, however it has come to my attention that a few submissions have been put through with the wrong CPU or even sometimes the completely wrong phone model, leading to some rather bizarre results like the one below. http://hwbot.org/submission/3018340_znorman1963_hwbot_prime_msm7200a_528mhz_4225_pps I therefore ask, what is the possibility of many other results similar to this being incorrect but that they are simply not worth as many points, therefore don't get the same kind of limelight as this. It would make it very difficult to police as each benchmark run is then submitted to the bot and the issue could quickly get out of hand if there are many devices causing this issue. Just food for thought is all and I'm curious more than anything as to why it happens.
  13. it's 230ms, if it was 23ms it would say .023 like this one : http://hwbot.org/submission/2461641_flashg_wprime___32m_2x_xeon_e5_2687w_v2_2sec_30ms
  14. There we go, was wondering when we were finally going to see some skylake action from you. Nice score!
  15. In BIOS can you make any Ram available to the GPU to use as GPU-Ram? That's one of the only things I could think of other than playing with LOD to maybe lower the memory requirements.
  16. Fantastic idea Newlife! My name is Lewis, I have a very broad collection of hardware on both Intel and AMD platforms raging from the Socket 462/478 days to the present day, so there are very few platforms I am unfarmilar with from the last 15 or so years. I'm a captain at Team MLG and have been organizing private competitions for them as well as a UK bench meet in my very short time at the time. (more details of which will be on the bot as soon as it's finalized) My main passions are also intels 775/771 and 1366 sockets as you can see in my profile, that's where most of my global and hardware points have come from. I am just recently starting to get into 3D too and have formed quite the collection of graphics cards, much to the disaproval of my housemates and bank account, so this will be my new venture soon. The reason being was that I wanted to create some 3D competitions for my team mates and I wanted to better know the platform that I was going to make them battle out with. Of course as always I'm regularly available to find on the bot as well as OCN and MLG forums.
  17. How to make money from HOT without winning it with Splave
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