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Everything posted by FireKillerGR

  1. on hold for now. Will update once something changes
  2. yeah these were on ln2. Have never tried it on ss but I can test it tomorrow or the day after. PM'ing you to see what you want me to run/test.
  3. feel free to send PM with offers
  4. Hello, for sale my golden 7700k. It can do around 6.78-6.79 XTU, its also the 2nd highest clocking 7700K on X265 and can run Unigine at 6960+ MHz Cache-wise it can do 6.5GHz easily (6.6 too if I recall correctly but then performance goes a bit down) For more scores, refer to my hwbot profile. Price: 800€ for one of the best 7700Ks out there that smashes almost every 7740X (except binned ES from vendors )
  5. it aint pascal based on the die shot + clocks
  6. lets be honest. You did better with cards that have more shaders on a 3D benchmark Let me get back to you in 1-2 years and beat your score with passive cooling for the lols. Will then rename my account to Passive vs H2O for the extra fun
  7. lol someone put a leash on this guy
  8. you know that ASUS one was never released right? There were only some samples for some hand-picked overclockers. So it was not open for public since it never hit the market.
  9. thanks guys; time to see what these 2 can do in sli
  10. Max validation with all cores enabled or I call it bs... wait what? xoxoxo
  11. Open for offers for the motherboard
  12. Ram sold to wiLLius. Thanks for the fast transaction.
  13. Tested for less than 30 mins on my good kit profile and didnt pass. Will try to test them tomorrow evening or the day after (due to GOC) and report back if not sold by then.
  14. Hey, its gonna be around 20eu ^^
  15. Hello, for sale 1x Galax B-Die kit (2x8GB). GALAX HOF EXTREME OC Lab Limited Edition Memory Need to sell since Ln2 expenses were higher than expected Also, I am selling a Gigabyte Z270X-Gaming SOC. https://www.gigabyte.com/Motherboard/GA-Z270X-Gaming-SOC-rev-10#kf Not insulated, never benched subzero. Comes with Gigabyte OC Panel but nothing else. Price for the mem kit -> 250€ Price for motherboard -> 150€ Paypal fees and shipping are covered by buyer.
  16. and why is that important? He didnt try to hide it as far as I can tell.
  17. I think you are mistaken. Last year, the entry cost was around 600 USD (1060 HOF + Mems) yet I doubt you participated. Also, you are talking about winning all the hardware while you skip the competition part (aka Finals). If you are talking about the qualifiers' giveaway prizes (they will cover 8 people from the qualifiers) then you already aim too low. This is not a competition that is meant to have people joining for the giveaway. The goal is top-12 and if you don't make it, winning something from the giveaway can sweeten the pill. Also, professional overclockers being the top10 richest guys in hwbot or having "tons of cash" made me laugh.
  18. can't pm you so I am posting it here. It should be this version https://www.dropbox.com/s/53mgjdewkizwd3q/jre-9-ea%2B107_windows-x64_bin.exe?dl=0
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