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Everything posted by pepinorang

  1. Will post a thread with everything needed before end of week, just need to finish some work before.
  2. Yeah, Toppc validated DDR4-4600 Dual Channel on this board: http://hwbot.org/submission/2939951_toppc_memory_clock_ddr4_sdram_2302.9_mhz Tapakah also tested some G.Skill Ripjaws V (F4-3200C16D-8GVK) recently: +1733 c13 Memtest stable: +1800 c14 Memtest stable: +1866 c15 Memtest stable:
  3. Those AFR should be cold already! Finishing support thread today and OC Guide soon :celebration:
  4. You are welcome! Any help needed, let me know
  5. EDIT: Due to a recent particular ABX issue with Guru3D, I personally chosen to not help on Afterburner Extreme requests anymore. I saw a gap of communication between MSI and overclockers to get ABX and had personally decided to help the community by forwarding ABX demands to MSI VGA dept. which is not related to my own job in MB dept. After all this mess with Guru3D, I see no reason to get involved in such troubles anymore. So, please don't send me ABX requests or ask for contacts in MSI VGA dept. anymore, I can't help. For everything MSI MB, I'm still your man.
  6. There is no "XOC BIOS" but only some OLD Test BIOS (like the "MOA Freestyle") that are totally useless as of today. The latest retail BIOS from website is much better for any use including Ln2 OC.
  7. This is not only BS but totally unprofessional and as Wiz highlighted very funny as well coming from that particular birdie... I have only this to answer: This is a false assumption mate, ALL reviews samples are Hynix memory, as specified in some of the reviews (Guru3D, OverclockersClub, etc.). Now truth is 980 Ti Lightning has both Samsung and Hynix, both available retail, so no worry... I can't tell more yet but wait for official statement, everything will be clear.
  8. I've been quiet to your rudeness and insults so far, but I think we let you express your opinion enough now, so I will be clear with you: This is by far not the first contest using IGP organized by MSI or other vendors and it is certainly not the last neither, no matter what you have to say. FYI, your assumption that no ones bench IGP is incorrect, just go take a look at HWBOT database. You are actually the only one to loudly complain since the beginning of the comp. If you are not happy about the rules --> No one is forcing you to participate, furthermore you might want to read them all: "HWBOT and MSI reserve the right to reject any entry". To conclude, next post from you containing any insult you will get a worldwide ban from any MSI competition/event/giveaway/whatever. You have been warned.
  9. No need to use bold caracters and be agressive... Benchmarks will be revealed at a later date and YES, 3D Battle for Ambient is IGP. Overclocking GPU is actually playing with frequencies and vGPU/vRAM, no difference. 3D benchmarks are 3D, no matter you run them on GPU or IGP. Ambient users tipically don't wish and/or can't afford to invest extra money in the setup they most likely use 24/7 only for an online competition. What would really be a shame is to force them to buy a specific graphic card.
  10. No ES RAM allowed. For Windows XP, use AIDA64 free version to display SPD. For others OSes, CPU-Z SPD Tab is preferred.
  11. @dRweEz: As I said to you, AIDA64 free version is fine to display SPD in Windows XP. For others OSes, CPU-Z SPD Tab is preferred.
  12. I don't see a reason why it wouldn't, let me try that for you! EDIT: Just tried on Sam OS, it shows nothing... Never checked before so unsure it's the lighten OS or it's not supported.
  13. As indicated in each stage limitations: "The CPU load temperature must be higher than 20°C"
  14. Sorry guys, but as clearly stated in the rules no, you can't use H81 or Z68.
  15. Non, non et non! Je ne peut pas y croire, ton compte à été tipiaké?!
  16. Ambient/Extreme 3D battle Stage 1: August 20, 00:00 GMT+0 - August 30, 00:00 GMT+0 Stage 2: August 30, 00:00 GMT+0 - September 9, 00:00 GMT+0 Stage 3: September 9, 00:00 GMT+0 - September 20, 00:00 GMT+0
  17. Yes, because I'm faster to post than HWBOT is to make modification.
  18. After discussing, MSI decided to remove the time limitations in each stages. This means you only need to complete the 3 stages before the end of the 2D battle. This is to give more time to overclockers to prepare the comp, especially extreme ocers that have to get the board. I hope everyone will be satisfied with this late minute change and I apologies in advance to those who would feel differently.
  19. I think it is pretty clear: "Engineering samples or hardware that is not retail/commercially available at the beginning of the contest are not allowed" However we can add CPU-Z SPD tab as you suggested for sure, but given how easy it is to change SPD, it wouldn't make much difference...
  20. EDIT: Screenshot is not mandatory for XTU since validation is enough.
  21. Forgot that one, I'll had it to the list! Same than R7970 "normal edition" Check your mails mate
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