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Everything posted by Alex@ro

  1. I can vouch as well for ramiro, altough it is sad he leaves this hobby. Honest seller and one guy that puts a lot of passion in overclocking!
  2. Alex@ro

    WTB GOOD 8600K!

    C'mon guys, don't be shy
  3. Alex@ro

    WTB GOOD 8600K!

    c'mon folks, i can offer the price of retail cpu multiplied depending on what the chip is capable of....
  4. Alex@ro

    WTB GOOD 8600K!

    As title says i want to buy a good 8600K. Yes, bad luck is hunting me lately and i am unable to find any decent chip by my own it seems. Not even help from friends worked, clearly someone cursed me lately. Willing to pay according to cpu's potential. If you have what i search for then you get good offer . Waiting offers with water/ln2 results. If you only have water/air results please show temperatures also, idle temp has to be over 25 and load temp over 65 degrees, do not come with chiller results and claim hot air or whatever.
  5. No need to claim yourself as an idiot, it happens to all of us time to time, don't worry. Always check and double check real frequency during runs. And of course memory matters in IGP but , 50 mhz higher will compensate for a looot of memory tweaking and frequency....
  6. So you are saying that last years people didn't find proper driver and everyone failed at igp benching ?
  7. Bad settings, IMC is way stronger this gen and the board flies. DDR4-5000 validation on air cpu/mem is pretty easy with the right components, tight 4280 12 11 11 also easy, this platform and board maxxxes out B-die for sure.
  8. Competition points still not update for last ones, for example galax, are you going to fix this before next edition of contest?
  9. let's make it 950 as a special offer
  10. buy this cpu, raise Intel stock price ==> WIN
  11. Up for sale a new boxed sealed Intel Core i9 7940X ! https://www.caseking.de/intel-core-i9-7940x-3-1-ghz-skylake-x-sockel-2066-boxed-hpit-431.html?sPartner=185&utm_source=geizhals&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=geizhals&campaign=psm/geizhals&wt_mc=preisvergleich.geizhals.feed Of course cpu has warranty on Intel and as it says it's new so i have no idea how it clocks. Price is 1000E shipped in Europe, buyer takes care of paypal fees or bank transfer would be good also .
  12. This is the biggest loss ever for hwbot, way bigger than massman departure, if we can consider that a loss. Huge work done, always on schedule, always held back by the other members of the staff, always underpayed. Hope you will still tackle the ram territory and enjoy your new free time now
  13. Alex@ro

    i5 7640X ES

    You can't sell ES's here, your topic will soon be closed by the vigilent and allmighty Websmile
  14. Merry Christmas to everyone , happy benching under the Christmas Tree
  15. Crazy performance for a phase change oO!
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