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Everything posted by Alex@ro

  1. While waiting for B-die... 5:58:531 with Kingston AFR 3866 13-18-18 + Maximus VIII Impact http://hwbot.org/submission/3090158_alex_ro_superpi___32m_core_i7_6700k_5min_58sec_531ms?recalculate=true
  2. Restarted from scratch a new windows xp install and seems everything is fine with first post " M8 Impact 3866 13-18-18 Tight,Hynix AFR All air 4 ghz : 7:21:937 5 ghz : 5:58:531 SIDE NOTE: In order to have Write Recovery Time (twr) seen as 10 in utilities you need to adjust Write to Precharge Value from auto (26) to 23 ,this will get you 10 instead of 13 .
  3. 380 gone, 400 for 1.42 one, Sent from my SM-N910F using Tapatalk
  4. Up for sale 2 decent cpu's,you won't break any records with this maybe but are the better ones from a bigger lot and listed here first not to local forums,new stepping SRL20 #1 Boots and runs 32M Win7 64 with 1.42 real volts 5 ghz 4800 cache,can also do hwbotprime #2 Boots and runs 32M win 7 64 with 1.45 real volts 5 ghz 4800 cache,hwbot prime also Both undelidded,will ship with box and purchase papers,no problems with warranty. Prices are 420E for #1 and 380E for #2 which include shipping in Europe,paypal or bank account transfer,buyer takes care of fees.
  5. Sure,the idea is top spots are always occupied by sampled customers,the more cards you run the more sampling looses it's influence,plus the user skill comes at sight.What i meant is that if you have the cards and skill to make it work and place among the top you will get more points,if you have a special sample or great skill and bugdet to place among the first in single you again get good points,if you only have the budget and place like 25-30 rank then the points are fair and just . The way thing developed you give the idea that even a 30-th place and lower should give more points than they currently give,i suggested that current rankings are fine,only top places should get more points . Happy Samplers = Happy Vendors .
  6. Appreciate your point of view,maybe you can give your input furthermore on this matter. Don't hate me,i am trying hard to win the popularity award early in 2016 The XTU integration within hwbot represented one of the greatest achievments in the last years due to Intel involvement and also the great amount of new submitters. Limiting the points or lowering them will trigger a switch to this and will slow down the phenomenon.So getting new users and great growing with XTU was great, now it is notbecause some people do not agree? The 3D points are even more interesting . In order to anticipate the future of overclocking one should remember the history. Back in the days 3D was far more interesting mainly because OVERCLOCKING meant INCREASED PERFORMANCE SURPASSING HIGHER PRICED MODELS . Remember TI4200 vs TI4600,remember 8800GTS vs 8800GTX remember Radeon 9700 vs 9800 . All the lower models when overclocked would surpass the high-end easily .Surely the high-end could be overclocked as well but because the middle cards could surpass the high-end they were more popular and earned points in the ranking . Also the price for a top card was 400$ then 500$ then gew up till the moon . Do you have any idea how things are in a country like mine(and there are many others) where a 980TI costs 1000$ and this represents a 2 medium-wage monthly income ? Now let's see the situation today . The way things are ,GTX 980TI is THE ONLY choice for hard 3d's . That is because : 1. GTX980 is too weak ,even overclocked to 2100-2200 core it is the equivalent of an air overclocked 980TI 2. AMD high-end is not competitive enough in benchmarks I see everyday people having fun with cheap i3 and 6700K in 2d or legacy benchamrks however there are few results with 980TI and X99 on ln2 .Why should the 3D points be increased for a direct benefit of the ones who can afford this kind of hardware ? I think the better way of handling this is adding WR points to 1-way,2-way,3-way per category as well.Well i mean adding another layer of WR points into each category . For example Perica's submission : http://hwbot.org/submission/3068517_perica_barii_3dmark___fire_strike_extreme_3x_geforce_gtx_980_ti_27910_marks Best 3-way results would get 53 points from global 3,0 points since in global WR of 3d and 100 points for 3-way WR ranking . Overall submission will have 152 points which is good for a 3-way effort . Also increasing the Global 3D WR points from top 10 being awarded to top 20 getting additional points with a lower thresold between places would be nice. IMHO...
  7. Nice to see more B-die ,the more results the more we know what to expect from this IC
  8. Oh man , you understand absolutely nothing from what i say . Look,i get that you get paid and sponsored by the results/rank at hwbot and it is normal that you defend what would suit you best,in this case higher rewarding 3d points . However this should not influence the rest of the people and decisions should not be taken before asking. As i stated my opinion about the ranking and also prooved who wants this change and why, i am out of here . Btw Hypocrite is no offence,it simply describes the way a person acts and behaves which is absolutely the case of @rbuass , an absolute deceiver .
  9. You quote me and edit what i say. I did not say that you OWN hyndreds of cards , i say that your cards ARE BINNED FROM HUNDREDS . For people to understand why i say this,for the Galaxy GOC Contest this year there were about 30-35 cards bought ,i reffer to Galaxy GOC Ln2 Edition at 1000$ . Despite the huge cost,most of them were absolute thrash cards,i was not the only one that got a 1470/1950 card that failed . The best piece on ln2 was Dancop's around 2000 core. Also the cards used for finals maxxed before 2050 . Now you and your friend schenkelbros submit multiple benches at 2150-2170 with your cards ,see the binning? You are really a Hyprocrite with capital H rbuass . Now i quote you: "For the last, but not the least, I keep my point of view: Should be Forbidden: Engeenering Samples Not public BIOS and hardware" Really ? Your Galax Power card is not a ES or must had been released in the market and i missed it... Your binned 980Ti is also not public since binned from hundreds the possibility of hitting this retail is less than 1%. Now this is the drama , how can you expect the rest of the people that do not have the cash to purchase a single 980TI to be happy with the change?Moreover how do you expect people that do not have the connections/multiple thousands of dollars to binn 980TI yet they own only a single normal card to agree with this change ? Is it so hard to understand that modifying input equals a different output?Is it so hard to understand that 2d benches are more popular hence they get more points? We want our hobby to get a bigger fan-pool yet when this happens we are still not happy because they don't submit 3D with 980TI... I think that adding WR points for hard 3D like firestrikes would please the industry hard-workers and maybe adding a cap to XTU algorithm so that when certain amount of submissions is achieved points don't grow anymore. For example,this is a result done with a single 980TI on water,an average card: http://hwbot.org/submission/3057119_kimir_3dmark___fire_strike_extreme_geforce_gtx_980_ti_10255_marks This gets 20 points . What amount of points do you think this deserves?In my opinion this is pretty fair considering the amount of effort to achieve this. An average 6700K(altough quite good) with good tweaking gets 24 global points: http://hwbot.org/submission/3084314_george.kokovinis_xtu_core_i7_6700k_1715_marks Yes , there are additional 19.7 hw points because of the popularity. Why are some people unhappy?Because a 1000$ 5960X + 700$ 980Ti gets slighty less points than a 2d results with 6700K ? Well maybe your coworker earns more money than you doing less complicated things, equity is hard to find in our world. Especially since most people around here tend to forget that the majority of people run benches on hardware they purchased for doing something else(gaming,rendering,work,etc) not the other way around and this is very important to remember folks,our hobby is optional not mandatory ...
  10. For the record i binned 35 cpu in which i got 3 good 5 ghz 1.36,1.35 and 1.37, 2 decent 1.41 and 1.42 and rest junk.... Sent from my SM-N910F using Tapatalk
  11. Because he started the 3d points phenomen and i don't see the majority of community considering this measure necesary.. To put it in perspective , average bencher benches 2d and what 3d can afford , maybe he can afford a 980ti maybe not but somehow he is pleased with the way things are. Now comes rbuass who has the key to binn dozens and hundreds of 980TI and complains everyday that 3d points are low.Let's say management listens to rbuass and does what he wants.How will the average bencher feel? Not good.That is the problem,ask the community first and if the majority is happy with this idea then everything is perfect . This is all about the community standing behind this platform,not personal feeling and so on . I do not like to bring this into discussion but you have to remember xtremesystems and other communities that todayy are not doing vvery good. I do not want this to happen to my favorite place so that's why i write this posts. I take responsability for what i write,i am ok with that .
  12. You can't give more points to the people who afford to buy stuff just because benchmark it's harder.Yes,it if more complex but it will not happen unless you spend the money on the parts needed... 2D is having higher points now just because more people bench it,therefore the number of submitters is much higher than 3D. As Roman said,it is highly unlikely that everyone has a 980Ti on the desk and will not submit just because he gets little amount of points. To sum up , lowering the threshold on 3D seems like a good idea . In any case , let's remember why did this phenomen started.Rbuass is an even bigger drama-queen than me so he started 3 topics where he complains that despite the huge-ammount of binning Galaxy did for his results he still has lower points than he expected for this effort. Other people complained also (still a low percentage of actual submitters,keep this in mind) so Massman got stuck with the idea that indeed 3d should get more points ... Nothing negative so far and it is good that people express their feelings but why should other people be influenced by this ? So i come and ask, why is there no poll already? Make a poll with a few questions regarding the direction of the hwbot platform and points . In order to count (and the things stated to change ) let's say 60% of the active benchers(over 20 submissions to say) in the last year have to vote. If the percentage is met then we move along in implementing what people voted . Only after then measures should be taken, not because 1-2-5 people complain about something.I have my complains too and everyone has them but nobody takes measure after asking only me.
  13. First of all overclocking can not and it will never be a major phenomen.Argue with me as much as you like but it simply does not have the prerequisites to become sport e.g e-sport. Overclocking nowdays is about who is willing to invest big money /have great support and be a top-ranker. Overclocking is about investing money with getting basically nothing in return . Yes , you get nice words from a few people and your self-esteem goes higher when you demolish some other scores but it's just about that. Bottom line is that at the end of the day you are left with a great pile of hardware (if it still lives) and that's it.Sure,you can win some competitions and get some money back but you can't make a living out of this. Let's see how things go in other sports . People invest money in training/equipment,years of practice till going pro . But then you have everything covered with a monthly income,you have sponsors to represent and you get additional income from publicity and so on, and when you finally retire you surely earned enough to not care about the financial problems anymore. The hardware industry is a big one for sure but overclocking is just an additional feature in this world . There are millions of people who simply don't care and buy parts to use them at stock frequency.There are people that perform a mild overclock to get a decent performance bonus and finally from these people some just want to push things further and explore the limits. In order to explore these limits you have to: -buy special components e.g unlocked cpu's ,good motherboards,top rated ram kits,strong PSU,etc -get cooling equiment for these components,water cooling,sub-zero pots probes,insulation,etc -possibility of buying liquid-nitrogen,dry-ice,etc -as this was not enough,to get a top-score you need to binn a few cpu's(read dozens),video-cards,ram-kits,etc. -invest the most expensive resource,lots of TIME The results is getting good scores and absolutely nothing in return.Surely you can just view this as a hobby but let's be frank,for normal people it's damn expensive. ALSO,compared to other hobbies things are very volatile in our world.Say you managed to score a WR and this is like getting a unique stamp or a very rare coin or getting the biggest fish ever caught. Its very likely that your WR will be shattered by internal overclockers or other people having more money/more connections than you. If this doesn't happen,IT WILL with a newer generation of hardware parts. So we are left with money spent for a good ranking at hwbot. Your confidence will be big but your wallet still emty.Basically it doesn't matter because you do not win anything from it,no money back,lot's of wasted time for nothing.. And here comes the DRAMA . In any time of year , Hwbot can make changes to the algorythm and rankings will change . WHy? because they can and nobody gives a crack. You just can't change ranking because you own this place and platform and you are in charge. Hwbot at the moment is a database composed of results from overclockers. If these overclockers suddently decide to remove all their results hwbot simply does not exist.So how can you encourage more and more results from people when their place in rankings change from one day to another by external decisions ? IF you want to change something you need to make a poll for that decision.No matter how small or big this decision is . Threads like this simply should not exist and any changes to rankings,number of benchmarks that have points,the value of the points,etc needs to be voted and accepted by the community. You say you started this topic because rbu ass and other people are not happy . Why didn't you started a poll with a few questions that you had in mind?Give it 1 month time and see the results.Then discuss and come to this thread ? This is really funny and compared to real world,it's like the president comes tomorrow and say starting today all cars painted white can;t be used anymore.Except that the leader can't take this decision alone and needs to be processed first in the parliament and house of representatives.Which were ellected by the people.Oh wait , do we have something like this here? This thread is the failure of the year from my point of view and represents the failure of hwbot in establishing itself as a strong community for a small but passionate group of people.
  14. Well i was referring to this,only 2 kit i saw for 2800 c6 and both needed huge volts(dinos and luumi) .
  15. Oh... Well don't waste money on those man, they should have E-die on them similar to 3200 3466 dual and quad kits Sent from my SM-N910F using Tapatalk
  16. 3666 for x99?where? Sent from my SM-N910F using Tapatalk
  17. 100E for Pi's , 80-100 for Patriots or maybe more if they do well,i've yet to see a single kit doing good on cold,i mean real good as over 2800 C6... As for the Corsairs...maybe 120-150E,tough you may get lucky and sell to regular folks better...
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