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Mean Machine

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Everything posted by Mean Machine

  1. I had an NF7-S 2.0 and two AN7 back in the days. They all spanked my Duron Applebred quite well, later it was the XP-M 2400+. Shit, I feel old.
  2. I'd forgotten about the retarded ATX connector placement. Some fancy modding though, has to be said.
  3. No, the video is definitely not a joke. Way to go on buying Intel, btw, wasn't expecting that.
  4. I doubt it, for one. Neither am I, for that matter. It'll feel all lonely for Henry.
  5. Only elmor is allowed to participate. And MOA will be about making motherboard promotion videos, not overclocking.
  6. I think I might've slipped a typo there. I must've figured "you want to be Dutch anyways, I might give you an imaginary pleasure of being that".
  7. I imagine the F1 Dark being great with SB and SB-E where you need to keep like -30 or so. Not sure it's as good on Gulftown where you need to heat everything up every ten minutes.
  8. Well, hey, to be honest, I didn't read too carefully either, wasn't my intention to crash the party. I'm sure I'll get on benching it later, so I could've shut up to begin with.
  9. Don't... know... if... can... be... bothered.
  10. I got an invitation with suspicious OC undertones from G.Skill today. Apparently, the world's best-known overclockers are Hiwa and SuicidePhoenix.
  11. The Netherlands goes Denmark. I'm liking this.
  12. Sorry to sound bitter, didn't mean it that way. It's just hard without a reference, such as my old Inflection point, or a good old F1 EE, but a pot I've never heard of. The review is a nice try, but as always, it's hard to write something to convey the true benching feeling since it isn't all as black and white as with graphics cards, etc, where all the differences can be shown in graphs.
  13. I've had one for a while, but haven't gotten around to test it yet. Pretty hard to tell by your review if it's something I'll like or not.
  14. Indeed. Nothing quite says overclocking as this picture:
  15. Retail - rev 0.1.
  16. They probably charge by the weight of the guy picking the LN2 up. Or maybe it's some sort of government scheme. Extra tax on LN2 to boost healthcare. Or something. Btw, I have my own dewars, if I didn't, I'd have to pay rent + handling fee each time, heard the handling fee is ~€50 every time...
  17. I searched for a thread like this, but can't seem to find any. I know there is one (or more) on XS, but I figured now that I've fallen back into the misery where I have to negotiate and pay for my own LN2, I might as well moan about it so everyone can see. So, the question: how much do you pay for your LN2? My current deal runs at 22 SEK + VAT per liter, working out at a nice sum of 27.50 SEK, which in its turn is... 3€. I was much happier when I had someone pay for my LN2.
  18. I'm pretty sure your AGP 2x card will bottleneck looooooooooong before you have use for the S2011 power. Try getting hold of like a S1156 or 1366 board with PCI-X, that should be more than enough.
  19. I never got around to try. Come to think of it, it was actually an E4300 as well. It was before I had LN2 access, and the CPU was owned by a friend of mine. I wonder if he's still got it though, he owes me a favor for borrowing my HD5450 for a year now. The best increase I had in BCLK wall was with my E6320, btw. That did ~530 on air, then 628 on LN2. Only tried a single chip though.
  20. L3426 is not "easy 200%", but it has potential. My one CPU I had last year barely did more than 5GHz. 1 core turbo is x24, 2 cores is x23. Core 0 was awful, it did about 4.87GHz or so, but Core 1 did this: http://hwbot.org/submission/2115889_mean_machine_cpu_frequency_xeon_l3426_5076_mhz There should of course be a few better ones out there.
  21. Believe me, I know everything I need to know about 420s. I had an E2140 (well, not me personally, but I benched it) that did ~505MHz FSB on air once. I struck a bit lucky with one 430 though, it did 536MHz FSB, then again, that was on LN2. Also comes with higher standard frequency, so it's a bit hard on air. I don't know why I care, really. Xeon L3426 is also quite useful, come to think of it. Expensive as fuck though. If you can find someone with a bunch of retail L3426, give me a shout, I'd need a few, and not really interested in paying $300+ each.
  22. Not all E1200s have them. Then again, E2140 and Celeron 420 are options too, but they have the walls just as often as E1200s.
  23. Go for the AMD TWKR.
  24. Jesus fucking christ, what a retarded image upload service.
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