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Everything posted by chispy

  1. Awesome score Dave , great cpu you got there bro :). Nicely done !
  2. Killer score my friend and well done , So close to the Gold cup , you will make it bro :) push a tiny little bit more !
  3. Hola my old friend Matt :) . cpuz is reporting wrong the voltages on this Asus Strix mobo ( place holder mobo while i keep waiting for my Apex 12 if it ever ships from newegg :( ) . Load voltages with llc 7 after set in Bios 1.40v. with v.droop the real voltage under load is 1.381v for 5.3Ghz , max temps on heavy h2o is 84c , Asus strix reports a sp of 82. I stopped there , will keep testing on h2o tomorrow while i learn a bit more of this platform and the cpu behavior.
  4. Nicely done everyone that participated. It was a lot of fun , at least this year i came in 2nd place ?
  5. Thank you for the hard work , well done , organized , so much fun competition ?. This old man right here did enjoy it this competition a lot and to me it is the most important aspect of OCing " Fun" factor even if i don't come out at the top or win , it was lots of fun ! ✔️ Kind Regards: Angelo
  6. Finally justice was served. Thank you. It was a matter of time.
  7. Thank you. Lots and lots of Vaseline is the best insulation for video cards , it works great and i have never killed a video card insulated using it and i live in the Caribbean where humidity it's always 98% to 100%.
  8. Thank you Sharon , this memories keep scaling indeed , it makes a huge difference on the scores.
  9. Dear lord , this is madness , Jon you have 10 cores 20 threads active over 7.7Ghz + absolutely insane cpu speeds ! Congratz job well done ...
  10. Awesome mod Allen 2 dimm ftw , amazing score congratz bro , well done.
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