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Everything posted by chispy

  1. Thanks Sharon , the huge heat load capacity is due to the large well insulated reservoir as a buffer as it helps a lot and maintain the temperatures at subsero always after many hours running heavy benchmarks. For very long benchmarks like Vantage and heaven in 3D is awesome , also is great for long 2D benchies. I have been perfecting a mixture of coolant and distilled water to make the most out of this chiller. No LN2 or Dry Ice available for me at the moment so i have to do the best with what i have
  2. Here you go , 1 Active Aqua Chiller 1 HP moded water chiller + 2 big industrial pumps + 1 big cooler/reservoir inside a big plastic bin completely fill with industrial foam isolation , i drill 5 small holes on top of the big cooler and filled the top and sides with industrial foam isolation also the top/door of the cooler to make it like a Yety ( overdone isolation ) it works as my big secondary reservoir it takes 6~8 gallons of coolant + 2 big holes on top for subsero coolant in + one hole for subsero coolant out and keeps recycling from the chiller + a few meters of 1/2" thick industrial tubing all cover nicely with isolation foam tubes to the water blocks wish are also all cover nicely with isolation foam tape. This set up i spent more or less around $2,200US Dollars on it but damn it delivers the cold , it takes 4~6 hours to get to -21c due to the fact there are two reservoirs , one medium size on the chiller and the external big cooler inside the plastic bin. It needs to be done correctly and perfect complete isolation of every component is a must to stop the run away subsero temperatures. i have had this set up already for 3 years and it still working as the first day as i change the tubing and disassemble the chiller for cleaning plus change the coolant ( expensive maintenance ) twice a year. i'm one of those guys that do not care about looks , i only care about max performance hence this thing is not pretty at all but the performance it's outstanding and the heat load capacity it's huge. The chiller is outside my bench room because that thing produce a huge amount of heat and noise and i run the tubing thru the door to my bench room with an A/C at full blast at low ambient temperatures of 60f. Well that's it , that's my set up , i hope you like it !
  3. Guys having problems with latest system info please submit a ticket to futuremark support as they are trying to solve the problems but they need your help in order to fix this. I have been in constant contact with a futuremark contact customer support agent since yesterday troubleshooting this same exact problems everyone is having. We have already found some stuff pointing at GPU-Z Info module and CPUZ info module hanging during the system info scan process and they are working on a new system info to be released soon with a lot of fixes. But if you do not let futuremark knows about this problem with the latest system info and your configuration it is immposible to solve. They need your help with the troubleshooting and need you to submit some information and files in order to determine exactly where the problem is and then and then only they will be able to fix it. Please submit a futuremark/UL support ticket here and give them the most information you can - https://support.benchmarks.ul.com/en/support/tickets/new They are actively right now working on a fix and soon a new system info will be released but if you do not submit your problem to futuremark / UL there will never be a fix for it. Please help yourself , the community and Futuremark/UL to get a fix on your problem and then the fix will be included on the next release of system info. Thank you.
  4. I too i'm having the same errors / problems with the latest system info 5.26 , just tested on my 5770 , also the problem do exist for other video cards too , latest system info 5.26 is 4+ months old now , FM/UL needs to get this sorted and fix asap as we paid for their software. Link to my thread of other video cards having the same exact problem with the latest system info 5.26 -
  5. I'm having a lot of problems lately with the latest system info from futuremark / UL while trying to run Time Spy and Firestrike benchmarks. Using latest 3DMark software and updated + latest system info 5.26 ( 4 months old ? ) . I need some help to solve this problem. It goes like this. While trying to run Time Spy or Firestrike on windows 10 1909 latest and updated on stock setting on cpu and gpus the 3DMark benchmarks will take between 15 ~ 25 minutes to finish system info scan , yes you heard that correctly 25 minutes to wait for system info to finish scanning and then the benchmark will start and run but cannot get a valid score as it always comes up with some generic error when trying to validate the score at UL/FM website. It get worst on windows 7 vanilla and updated as system info 100% of the time meaning will always crash while taking the same 25 minutes to finish the system info scan. I tried a huge amount of drivers and it is always the same problem with system info . The only solution i have found that works is to go back to older system infos 4.48 up to 5.20 it works , then and then only it will run correctly like it should and scores correctly , but i cannot get a validation link because the system infos 4.48-5.20 it's outdated and not supported to get a valid link of the benchmark . This is a conundrum as i can run perfectly fine the TS and FS benchmarks with older System info but i will not get a valid FM link , meaning as per the rules of hwbot i cannot submit the scores as it required latest system info + a valid FM link. Tried with 2x7970 in CF - 2x7950 in CF , 5770 single and crossfire , eVGA x299 Dark , Asus M11 Apex z390 with up to date windows 10 and windows 7 fully updated and 6 months worth of drivers from AMD with the same outcome. I already found some information online and i'm not alone as a lot of people seems to be having a lot of problems with the latest system info 5.26 , even the guys running single video cards 5770 for the cheapest chip competition are having problems with this system info. -
  6. Hello MR-B , sadly crossfire is no longer available on the new video cards starting from the Radeon VII , Radeon RX 5xxx , AMD have abandoned crossfire totally. Last officially video cards with crossfire support were Vegas 56-64 up to 2 video cards , RX 590 up to 4 video cards , after that AMD officially dropped Crossfire support completely and no AMD video card in the future will be supported as AMD decided to phase out the multi gpu approach and crossfire branding. I hope this information helps.
  7. Great giveaway Dave , amazing card and mods. Thank you for giving back to the community on this hard times we are living we need more people like you , cheers !
  8. Thank you Miller . In house lock down 24/7 quarantine has made re bench most of my old video cards again , it helps as the time go by easier.
  9. Very nice score Alby , awesome tweaking and cpu. Keep up the good work my friend :)
  10. Thank you my old friend Matt , appreciate it the kind nice words. It took me way longer than usual for this score , it's was not easy passing Nazar score.
  11. Awesome score Miller , at least this time the little displays match the color :D on each card ...
  12. Nooooo ... , so sad and sorry to hear about this. My brother let's talk in PM maybe i can help you out.
  13. Thank you guys , onced i get everything dial in and final testing is done i will go all out with a much better score. Low clocks for now just for testing purposes and not final scores , just the beginning ...
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