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Everything posted by d0minat0r

  1. My 2500k need 106 107 blck and I need to find what is the best ic's for my cpu. It possible fot GTX2 to run 7 7 6 on 2250 mhz?
  2. Please reserve 10900k for me
  3. Thx for sharing that experience
  4. Uploaded video on Facebook during geek bench and there you can see temperature. More incoming stay tuned
  5. Thx Griff bro! but someone say result is not valid bastard
  6. Hicoocike show on facebook interesting videos about some 200$ MB and can do 5000+ for memory. Let's see Asus apex Asrock non aqua some taichi or phantom gigabyte Evga in the end because probably much higher price then other and good bios first bioses on z390 kill many golden cpu in germany
  7. Ok bro you have war you get them :D nice score :) little joke :)
  8. very annoying card believe me too :D many days bench that card on ln2 for freeze and burn competition
  9. Noting special bin only buy from water guy from local forum. This cpu can do on water CPU z 5600 mhz with 1.6V nothing special I saw many 2500K can do legacy on air 5600 5700
  10. Sad story but this CPU 9 years back is used in one PC in my country and work on default You mean about asrock competition and prize from here or people pay that money for this CPU at that time What is your best 2500k?
  11. yes but this CPU do GB3 on that freq with 1.62V boot direct to W10 this is only quick test
  12. I am in too have two card 1050+ GPU on water. To night test second card and card stuck in x8 PCI ex mod good only for CF Nice results anyway.
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