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Everything posted by d0minat0r

  1. I only pretest card on water and try mods. Only have this system at the moment this is reason why do CG :D
  2. YEs hawk is not best 5770 card. Hawk have same PCB like most other card and hawk have two or more(I have two) version of PCB with little difference
  3. I have two card and both hawk one samsung one hynix. Card with samsung memory die on water 10s after finishing vantage run an hynix card have cold bug. Maybe try another bios
  4. My second card have CB at -10 can any voltage can avoid CB or need other card?
  5. Any of vendors don't give a damn for the any prizes? We bench for fun but it is much nicer when one supports our enthusiasm
  6. No only one but I think with 3 or 4 sample you can find good 3800x
  7. Hi everyone! One question. Have problem with 7740x. Can not overclock memory to 4000 cl12 with max mem over 1800 2000mb. Try many votlage on IC and SA. Any ideas? Weak IMC or need additional settings. Bios 0038 and newest identical problem BIOS is not problem.
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