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Everything posted by K404

  1. Wasn't this conversation the original reason why rankings couldn't be split by cooling because of the crossovers and gray areas? Is there an intention to re-introduce cups/ medals beside each result.... or even just a number? I'm having a hard time seeing what each submission is, hardware ranking wise. I think I asked a couple weeks ago, I think I was hoping it would make it to patch #1 Also, on our profile page where it displays the number of gold/silver/bronze we have, we cannot click into each one to get a result breakdown, so I/we cant check that way Could HWB make a sticky post with a list of what is planned for each revision so we dont keep asking for the same things? It's easy to miss requests given how many posts are in these threads.
  2. We need a new achievement... "Banned a noob" Ban 25 people for stolen screenshots
  3. uh-oh! Wish I could find a "+" card with a good core
  4. Thanks! Who cares about points? Is that the only reason you bench things?
  5. Thanks I cant take advantage of that right now, but it's nice to have the option
  6. I'm not knocking your choice because it's A/ nVidia and B/ G92 so of course i'm a fan too, but it's weird how some cards just "click" with some people
  7. The 3DMark11 leaderboards aren't set to show just a users best score, so the rankings are spammed with tweaked scores from the same people
  8. IMHO, one is enough One reason for my opinion is because of how best scores affect global ranking. Top 10 or top 15 global results....... If all 3 presets get points, it's possible for someone to get their global ranking from the points of just one benchmark.... I don't think that's right
  9. Good GTS 512MB doesn't have coldbug, or, if it does, i'd be tempted to blame the silicon. There are plenty of guys running them at -160 with factory BIOS My 8800GT craps out at -66, one day i'll get around to trying another BIOS
  10. Has anyone compared these modded BIOS and compared to stock so we know how to do these mods to any BIOS?
  11. I've always found that the easiest way was never to have a top-20 score
  12. Nibitor + nVFlash is the only way I know how to do it. It's something for tweakers, 100%.
  13. No memory tab because it was obviously never gonna be submitted
  14. Would HWBot consider adding a rule for 7-series cards to state that Shader, ROP and Geometry MHz must all be visible in screenshots? (ie.... use Rivatuner and have it open) Geometry delta has such a massive effect on the score and a lot of the time, the details are hidden Thanks
  15. Thanks for looking into it PJ
  16. It's hard to find examples, partly because no-one has their team listed in each submission but could this be tried on the test server?: Remove Sams CPU-Z with the Celeron 356? Mr Lobber is below him in the ranking and Sam has a better raw frequency with his 352. Test server would show the influence of that single adjustment without todays new submissions skewing with things Or, try removing some Benchtec Q6600 scores because there'll be better global in the 2600K I dont know if these examples will work, i'm sure the concern about losing points won't work for every single situation Maybe theres a "crossover point" in each ranking..... maybe things make sense around 6th place or 10th or lower.... what if this happens between scores that are gold and silver in a very popular category?
  17. Long title, but I really can't see how a scoring system that can take points away from a team for submitting new scores is good for the hobby/ sport. Are we all meant to sit down with a pen and paper to work out in advance if our bench session will help the team in any way, and what minimum score we have to get to avoid costing the team points? Two things are gonna run through a persons mind: 1/If this hardware is anything other than great, it wont help the team. 2/ I can take personal bests and submit them.... and hurt the teams bottom line. This is no way to help overclocking reach wider audiences. It's a minefield..... and i'll be honest.... it's not a well-marked one.
  18. ok then, go by rankings
  19. If it's decided on HWB points/ rankings over the year, hopefully not. Could have a few "public-voted" positions too, so Massman can win something too
  20. This is something i've thought about for a LONG time.... a lot of people come and go from this hobby. Who remembers the names of guys who quit years ago? Maybe they were great benchers, maybe they were old-school... there's a lot of different ways someone can be good at this without being No.1 all the time.... or ever! This hobby/ sport is so transient, what scores from 6 months ago are remembered? What was any world record 6 months ago? Who knows who had the world records 6 months ago? Who cares about them, because maybe someone else has taken over? What if, each year, a selection of people who had their own speciality were added to a list of "greats?" Like.... best AMD bencher, best Intel, best nVidia, ATI, best SLI, best CF.... who had the most gold or most silverware, who was always there kicking out great scores, who was No.1 in the league for the most days etc etc etc.... HWB can set up whatever categories they like and these people are REMEMBERED, because the list is updated each year with the new names, but keeping the old ones instead of overwriting them. I wouldnt wanna see this be decided by having a "closing date" each year because then everyone sandbags for the last 6 weeks beforehand and things are decided by the leaderboards of one moment. Who is there throughout the WHOLE year, consistent? I hope you know what i'm trying to explain... and agree!
  21. GPU-Z is reporting stock MHz, what happened?
  22. I remember the original reason for its exclusion. I voted yes, IF and only IF the HWB staff are satisfied it cant be casually hacked or cheated. P.S..... for performance only, Easy and Hard can stay as they are
  23. Ok, thanks Karl Hope there's progress on that soon
  24. I'd rather see AM3 removed than 05, but we're heading off topic. AM3 is GPU SPi 1M.... takes less time to run with each generation. How long before it's 3 seconds? What kind of test is that? Sorry for speaking about you out of turn Smoke.
  25. I hear theres a big financial outlay from him on top of that. Getting trays of CPUs IS nice.... doesn't mean they're GOOD
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