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Everything posted by K404

  1. Guys, it's clear he has some handicap, it's not cool to mock that
  2. Well... Allen knows what he's doing, right.... so for him to have a card stuck at 1250MHz then find 1500MHz+ says to me it's not his bench technique?
  3. Hmmmm.... without giving pointers to the competition for MOA, any info that would help the community? 250MHz++++ is a BIG jump I'm glad things worked out Would really really suck if Greeces problems screwed up a chance to represent the country in something positive
  4. Not Fata1ity, that fo sho....
  5. I was emotionally unmoved.
  6. Yup, 1.5 million, not 15. counted too many zeros... sorry! 153000 during the contest timeframe..... how many are "relevant" ? e.g..... a 5450 submission was never likely to be for the competition
  7. IMHO, thats totally wrong. WR = WR = WR... it doesn't matter who takes it or what cooling they use Can't use money as any kind of argument when the league involves global points which by definition will be best on top-end gear which is usually the most expensive The vast majority of the time, the WR scores will go to the guys with LN2.... it's not fair to not give recognition to the guys who by luck of hardware and hardware architecture will occasionally be able to compete without sub-zero
  8. Maybe the engine needs time to update It can't award points then not include them IFFFFFFFF the algorithm only gives WR points to the Pro league, then IMHO that is wrong
  9. You get the WR points though? Points total includes 55 WR points.... which is weird because only 15 points are listed in your scores? Oh.... I see the likely problem now http://hwbot.org/forum/showthread.php?t=30796 It's not league discrimination (I don't think)............ the WR points are broken!
  10. Are these your scores for Entry and Xtreme? Nothing in those presets gets points... it's nothing to do with the league the user is in I see you get WR points for your Performance score
  11. Hey Tin Thanks for clearing it up Wish I could find an 8600GT 256MB card with such good memory
  12. If it only has 4 GDDR3 chips, how could it be 512MB? 8800GT needed 8 chips for 512MB, so did 9800 series.... 128MB GDDR3 didn't exist when these cards were made Here it is- nice looking card!! http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814130290&nm_mc=AFC-C8Junction&cm_mmc=AFC-C8Junction-_-na-_-na-_-na&AID=10446076&PID=5328933&SID=skim17075X740592X4aec039258e297a614940b214ee5e872
  13. Does the card have GDDR on the back too? Was the PCB used for the GT as well? http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814130286 If so, i'll deffo keep an eye out because i've found it really hard to find good GT cards.... and all of a sudden this competition brings out loads of cards pushing 1050MHz++ on the GDDR3
  14. Ironically, posted in the wrong category 256MB category, not 512MB BUT.....great result!
  15. Shame your CPU is holding back GT1 for pretesting but it looks good for your next run!!
  16. ?????????? 3DMark11 launched on November 30th last year. one year - 9 weeks = 43 weeks Assuming consistent submission traffic, Futuremark have received just over 15 million 3DMark11 results in 10 months. 15 million DX11 results....15 million DX11 GPUs.......I'll be blunt.... smells like BS. I'd smell the same thing if it was 7.5 million The guys who run 3DMark11 the most (ie....us) proabably don't have an active net connection, so FM get no info from each run, just one submission with the best score
  17. "What's that funny burning smell" "Oh, it's me"
  18. That might have been before my time. Has LOD for ATI been around as long as HWB? Has it impacted competitive benchmarking?
  19. G92 is the wrong card for LSD older cards are better. New stuff just hangs/ freezes/gives a little "snow" or "camera flashes"
  20. K404

    Thanks for the message bro!

  21. It's not quite the same situation Both nV and ATI had the option to modify LOD and they both reacted to changes. It's not nVidias fault that ATI didn't scale so much with LOD changes. Now we have a situation where ATI have control over something nV have not yet implemented. I hope HWBs solution to this takes into consideration that nVidia will probably include the same tesselation level tools in their drivers at some point
  22. My netbook doesn't have the power to check so I didn't know for sure, but I figured there would be a "x broadcasting now" on HWB front page and at least *someone* would see who it was
  23. Oh yea! I forgot.... I had SetFSB problems.... it would error out at any random point from 333 to 342.... so in "desperation" I booted at 333 and went to 342 in one go. I'd already seen 342FSB, I knew the CPU was good for it..... It was fine at the MHz, I just couldn't increase it any more (without reboot) Maybe if I rebenched I could get lucky and slowly increase to... something like 338 without error then jump to 343. I had 5L of LN2 to get this result, so couldn't mess around Thanks for the comments guys! LOl Honda.... ok..... if all goes to plan, i'm benching GTX580 on October 1st. Got a mate coming over to help pour coz it's eating a litre a minute
  24. Thanks! Otto Fatboy. Not running dry, but not brimmed with LN2 Gelid GC-Extreme, -170ishhhhh pot base. Over 2V the temps were....a bit of a challenge up to 1.90-1.95v pot base was around -174 I livestreamed this session and literally NO-ONE was watching...at ANY point I had 8232MHz (can be seen on Livestream) but it crashed during validation.
  25. Ok, thanks for the info
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