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Everything posted by K404

  1. I heard a little bit about that. Yes, very sad... but the gear still exists.
  2. How can you forget MousePots???????? Also: Otti "Fatboy" CPU pot
  3. No picture on the DVI of PCB1 Deffo made progress though..... let card boot to Windows (modded 169.21) let the PCI-PCI bridge drivers install, but not update the driver..... GPU-Z started showing the right details for PCB1 for around a minute, then the screen started artifacting. Card was hot when I powered off. Have taken a heatgun to PCB1, lets see whats next EDIT: Heatgun: 1, artifacts: 0 Next problem... same as before "device cannot start" ......
  4. Don't think so. The driver is still the same and detects SLI compatibility the same way
  5. I can confirm this works and once the inf is in place, installing a new card will see it detect and update the driver without any messing around Thanks for the work and the share Ramiro
  6. I thought that for single monitor on 9800GX2, the second port (PCB2) HAD to be used? I can't remember ever getting a pic from the port on PCB1, on ANY of the cards i've owned over the years? (*i'll try it though!)
  7. Hey bro! The revision shows up as "FF" because the card is not being identified properly. The BIOS I am using are ok Gamer... that's the process i'm using, but i'll try in Windows. I've started wondering if it's a hardware death and it's just happened at a time that makes me think it's BIOS. I've not even removed the stock cooler
  8. Ok, question 2.... how did I forget about the search function???? Can an option be added into the Memory clock leaderboard page at some point? (I suppose.... also the same for DDR1) I *think* that was what I was aiming towards, but the search function deals with most of it for now, thanks
  9. as title really At the mo it's REALLY hard to find DDR2 results, especially if someone has a DDR3 result submitted as well
  10. Yup.... well.... I'm *quite* sure http://hwbot.org/forum/showpost.php?p=124168&postcount=58 If you can confirm (or deny!) what i've done is right, that would be great If the BR-04 BIOS was wrong, I would expect the second card to suffer, not the first??
  11. I have a(nother) problem with my 9800GX2. I flashed the BIOS and I thought everything was ok. Now, when I boot, I get an error with PCB1. GPU-Z comes up as below: Heres GPU-Z for the 2nd PCB.... no problems here I have tried flashing the BIOS and in nVFlash, it sees the different BIOS revisions fine, so at *some* level, the data is going onto the BIOS chip.... AND.... when I install/reinstall drivers, it sees the BIOS revision on PCB1 before the restart..... it just falls apart when I restart. Does anyone have any ideas whats going on? Voltages are being supplied to the card as expected. Thanks! K
  12. Yay! Less points Thanks for the fix
  13. Hey Since the categories were combined (thankyou! ) I've noticed i'm getting two lots of points for the category- my less-good result from the separate GTX/ GTX+ category has not been deleted.... maybe this applies to all other guys who were active in both categories? Please can a member of staff check?
  14. I'm with olesius.... the score would be very very efficient even if it was done with Gulftown, but it's done with SB, which wipes 10K off the CPU score....
  15. Yea, but it's clutter
  16. On the topic of submission forms, would it be possible to have a "simple" form and a "complete" one? Simple form has the same fields as on Rev3 and "full" has all the extra stuff like batch, temps, HDD etc.... the new form is a bit of a chore to work through and submitting each result takes SO LONG!
  17. Did these Samples spank your review sample, or did Massman spank YOU?
  18. K404

    Score sharing?

  19. K404

    Score sharing?

    I am *not happy* to start this thread in here, but I believe in treating weird results with consistency. http://hwbot.org/submission/2194714_monstru_3dmark03_geforce_gtx_580_177355_marks http://hwbot.org/submission/2195069_matose_3dmark03_geforce_gtx_580_177429_marks If you open both screenshots up in paint or Photoshop and place them on top of each other, most of the windows line up exactly. IMHO, that's not possible unless the scores were both done without a restart, which in turn would suggest it's the same card. The difference in GT1 FPS also suggest one was a clean run and one was dirty.
  20. FAR too many boards IMHO.
  21. Massmans European tour of 3DMark11 continues Nice thread, some good info
  22. I disagree. Sandy Bridge. Case closed
  23. Send them Leeghoofd and they can do a review of him.... see if the 9/10, recommended awards continue :D
  24. Voted for all top 20s. The other option doesn't make sense, it would leave all the single and 2-way 3D (for example) world records under-verified and there's more results in those categories
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