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Everything posted by Doug2507

  1. Whats going on with asrock bios? A new one was just posted just 24hrs ago.
  2. Solved my woes. Don't try binning b die on single stick. For the mere mortals still running regular ocf, what sort of vdimm you needing for 3733 1t? (12 12)
  3. It flickered between English and Thai for maybe 30 seconds, finally settling on Thai. Sat there watching it thinking WTF.
  4. I generally run 1.2 max for both, less io unless needed. Was still 1.15 1.2 when 3950 1t on 6320. Was doing 3866 1t sub 1.8v no problem on 6700 1.93. Flashed 2.02, took ages to get 3866 running again, tested for 4k and all went tits up. (4k 1t bios easy, win splash pass then black screen, tested max of 1.25, 1.3, 1.9 making no difference from <1.2, <1.25, <1.85). Kmode exception and 021a at random, 3733 2t failing 32m, 1t hit and miss into bios/win , bios running super slow, no power up even after unplug Psu from mobo. Pretty much every completely random non event possible. Away to check on xpower and rule out board. Won't have spare chip till later on in the week and need to get my kits binned. The joys.
  5. Will do. Having major headaches now and reckon either my imc is goosed or maybe board rom. Same results from 1.92 - 2.02. All went down hill after testing the waters for 4k 1t and ending up with bios language in Taiwanese!
  6. Think it's called i tweak. Something like that anyway. Old gen asus gpu tweak.
  7. Bump for offers!
  8. I set iol tune manually and bump up to drop rtl iol. I leave rtl iol auto. If trained once they usually don't move. Even if they do train correctly on 2.02 in bios still pot luck for getting into win. Just seems buggy as hell tbh. Away to flash 2.0 and see how that goes. Stroll on little sibling! On another note, Allen mentioning 1 of 20 sticks doing 4k, does that matter if 1t or 2t as don't think this board will give me it on 1t. Need to check 4k on each stick before moving them on.
  9. Doug2507

    5870 lightning

    Oi, take your iniquitous practices to the back of the que GB! Hoping to aquire soonish so can pre test before the meet we've got on end of feb. But if you're not running till March I'll see if anyone else has. Surely must be more than 3 out there alive and kicking!
  10. 2.02 utter garbage for me. Probably get into win without kmode bsod every other boot if lucky. Rtl train correctly maybe 1 in 5. 32m anything from full run to not even doing 1st loop. Back to 1.92/3 for me!
  11. Just been playing about with 2.02. Had to drop freq from previous bios and work back up. Still doesn't seem as stable as 1.93 though.
  12. 06 Matrix core on air?
  13. Doug2507

    5870 lightning

    3?? lol. Sure. Any idea when? Looking for sooner rather than later....
  14. What vdimm/board btw buddy?
  15. Doug2507

    5870 lightning

    Nobody with a living one..?
  16. Fair enough. Would have given you more than 100E for it...
  17. Insane Dan! Roman, get those no.1 & 2 chips up and running and give this man some competition!
  18. If you decide to sell evbot separately give me a shout.
  19. Xpower prov sold.
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