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Everything posted by dinos22

  1. Wow new Aussie bencher, great to see, keep it up!
  2. Thanks all, fun was had, looking forward to 2021
  3. They are Microsoft supplied for that version if OS. You’re cooking with parts of OS
  4. What, that sounds illegal. You are effectively changing the OS DLLs...
  5. Solid 32M. Soooo close to the illusive sub 4m mark.
  6. Damn I haven’t been on here for ages, drop in to see if site still alive sees Moonman on front page, whoaaaa is this 2010 all over again How are you old budy old pal? I see you still know how to bench too heheh, good job!
  7. Yeah that was a memorable time! Hey Sam, we officially referred to this get together as Hogfest 2018, many Hoaggartens were destroyed hahahah
  8. Thanks guys :) Holy smokes my mate Chispy still around, how the hell are you mate?! Long time no seee
  9. thanks mate, you are very efficient on your 8086 setup!
  10. Mate, Harry does all the work for James. He's the brains of the operation!
  11. we were shown what you're doing by someone who knows
  12. Someone revealed to us what his "tweak" is. James, might as well reveal his "tweak" since everyone is buying the legitimacy of this guy in general......Who wants to see 400K 3D01 with a video proof and all?
  13. Nice karta, looks like you got yourself some German fans hahahahaha https://youtu.be/Z-FPimCmbX8
  14. Getting close there on last stage
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