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Everything posted by |ron

  1. @fabio: stop it, there's no need to continue this neverending story. @giorgio: you asked for my phone, when giampa already has it, I don't catch the problem to contact me, sincerely... in fact Giampa called 3 times in 2 days and we passed hours speaking about this issue: I thought that you two have had an occasion to speak. But, allright, I'll repeat everything to you too, hoping that this will finally come to an end -.- Write me a PM with your cell, or I'll ask it to giampa, it's the same... Oh, and I'm not calling to apologize, this is a discussion, no supreme authority decided that you're right and me not...
  2. If you ask it to me, then it's a BIG "yes"... But the topic was opened by giorgioprimo, better ask him even if I think he would agree too since we're going to discuss later on the phone...
  3. Finally it seems that everybody agree to discuss this things on our forums... so, for me this thread is closed and Giorgioprimo, I saw your call on the phone... I was driving in Milano so I couldn't respond. Feel free to call when you want, maybe this shit will come to an end, but I doubt... but hey, let's try.
  4. @giorgio: It's not a matter of time or distance... it's that I don't want to have something to do with you. Ah, and let put it straight... the fact behind me "not spoking" is that I received more than a time, menaces of legal actions for public diffamation etc... I'm not so dumb to write that things, but I can judge a bad score of a teammates of yours etc... @mean: I don't know the situation in sweden, but if you're judging me without knowing anything, I think that you are wrong... I'm not judging sweden clockers, since I simply don't know them. So, think what you want, I already knew that this shit that giorgio opened in public would have gone just like that... -.- I think that in a few posts we'll reach the "just like benchzowner, a big mess for nothing" point... let's wait.
  5. As I said to giampa, I'm not gonna tell anything, since I can't proof or use confidences that someone else made to me. But don't think we're all blind in italy. You're the big website for the oc scene, well, even the big and shining roman empire was broken into pieces by small tribes. It's not a menace, it's a matter of fact if you'll continue to "do business" like you're doing in the last years, with your recent "friends". I'm not going to disclose some PMs I kept, because that way I'll be acting like you... so what could I say then, if we're the same? My way is "bench what I can and don't care to what nexthw is doing"... this "rule" can be broken if I read something like "I'm an xtreme legend, who are you?" and fake proposals like "come to my place and bench with my rig"... Who's supposed to believe to sentences like that? We always have discussions and disagreement, but we're supposed to bench togheter in some kind of "knights duel"? lol So, as I already said months ago, I don't like you and you don't like me, fortunately in Italy in the last 2 years more people is waking up about your way of acting... it's only a matter of time, your reputation is something you're destroying by yourself in Italy, I'm not the Machiavelli behind the scenes. I don't want to deal with you on the hwbot forums and with giampa by phone at the same time, what I have to say is the same to both of you and I don't want to repeat myself over and over. Maybe this topic is something to gather attention and put shame on me and bla bla... listen, I'm not searching someone's approval, I'm sure that time will work out everything by itself, no need to do this bullshit in public. Good day, GL and so on... @Mean: you can't, because you're not here in italy working and "living" the national oc scene... probably you're thinking "these guys have a lot of time to waste"... I wish it would be like this, truly
  6. Yeah yeah, all good words, we both know how the real facts are (and some day, everything will come out, remember, in Italy we're about 30/40 people in the xtreme oc environment... we know stuff about you so your post over there can just impress someone outside Italy, surely not me)... but hey, you are an xtreme legend, who am I now to say something? You're not always thinking at your business, you're always yelling at me, us, but you're doing it in private... we don't have this kind of kindness as you can see. Rsannino? Before than a month ago we had plenty of problems with pcworld team, starting from the topic I opened in May 2010 against some guys who were skilled in photoshop... big huge flame even that time. And, about your challenges in benching the same stuff as you and spl, it's not necessary now... university doesn't last for the whole life, so give me some more time, then we'll meet again with the same stuff to bench with... Oh, and since it's your purpose to make this flame bigger and bigger, we're out, have fun, yell at us, do whatever you want and GL. Oh and, 12, sorry for this mess on your topic...
  7. Guys, it's not that we have something against spl in particular, it's a "cold war" between his team and ours... they once said that we can't bench because we never did something good, like absolute WRs etc... That is because we don't have the money to buy a shitload of uber high end hw, not because of our missing abilities as they say. So, when we see someone who does a shitload of points thanks to this uber 2600K, by installing the os and pressing "run" without optimizing and tweaking, beating scores of people who worked a lot for achieving their results etc... THAT is quite annoying. So, giorgioprimo, before insulting our abilities, look at who you have in your team lol
  8. Greeeeat session mate!!!! Tell us: what was the voltage you set in the bios? asd
  9. I still can't go to page 2 in the list of members inside the "mod tools" page. At the bottom of the page there are left and right arrows and, in the middle, there is " -0 ". When clicking an arrow, it simply adds a # in the url of the page, but nothing happens.
  10. Today it works, quoting myself about the "mod tools" button that yesterday night wasn't working. The problem is that it visualizes only 1 page of team members and it's impossible to go to page2... it appears a # in the url, but nothing happens.
  11. Ehi iubitel, we should keep in contact then, and update this topic as soon as one of us will get some new beta version
  12. I have an A8-3850 and a Asus F1A75-M Pro coming, so there are the only two official bioses released 'til now for that mobo: 0603 - http://dlcdnet.asus.com/pub/ASUS/mb/SocketFM1/F1A75-M_PRO/F1A75-M-PRO-ASUS-0603.zip 0802 - http://dlcdnet.asus.com/pub/ASUS/mb/SocketFM1/F1A75-M_PRO/F1A75-M-PRO-ASUS-0802.zip
  13. Ehi guys, is it normal that, on the upper left corner I have My Profile, My Team, My Account and now "mod tools" but I can't use those tools (it says 0)? The error I get is: "The requested URL /moderator/ was not found on this server." Another thing: where is the "Team Account" button gone?
  14. Yeah with a better cpu this thing will fly! the problem with AM3 is that damned OCP that kicks in at 1,5v and 1325mhz... That's quite weird, given that the same vga can do 1400mhz@1,65v at 3dm05. :\
  15. It would be interesting to see how the Evo Corsa would do with 1,8/1,9 and 2v... I'm speaking about the 9-10-9 2133mhz kit... I googled a bit but I couldn't find any detailed review till now... maybe the press kits are not available yet
  16. Uhm... how about Hardware Blasphemy Overclocking Team? The Acronym is HWBOT, I should ask Pieter if we can :asd:
  17. Lol, congratz Fabio! While he was benching with the 955, we were on another platform (2600K+5870 Lightning) in the same room... Mafio was a mix of blasphemy, lolling, screaming, insulting and yelling, all at the same time... it was really funny :asd: Then, after a few hours at 2v, he decided to go over and over.. it was 4am and we were all brainless We should have done a video, funniest team clocking ever, for me
  18. gratz mate, keep pushin!
  19. Great frequencies on the vga, roberto, good job with this 4870! 1100mhz on the gpu is the extreme limit, no more juice left inside? I think that, even if it's not a SB, you can do well at 3dm01. I see from the pics that your 4870 is just like ours, a sapphire blue pcb 1gb, great clocking cards indeed!
  20. Just send an email to the admin to have your account unlocked... so, ask yourself if you really really want to become a real admin Vbulletin is trying to preserve you
  21. Ok, I'll ask Marco to post it. and you're right, alien was lapped a looooong time ago, back in fall 2006 or early 2007, I don't well remember.
  22. aahh ok, I remember that 641, but they didn't pick validation, so they couldn't post the result, if I well remember. This was the first cpu to ever reach 8+ghz, the problem are the mobos...the Commandos are "one shot one kill", the Rex1 are good but not the best for these cpus...
  23. Hi Chris, 8320mhz? The last time we benched it, we arrived with ease at 8.090mhz, the problem is that we can't find a mobo that could resist more than a session with that thing -.- Currently we moved on, but we hope to come back in the future with something new to post, maybe Anyway, it's still alive, why you say it's dead?
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