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Everything posted by |ron

  1. Guys, Bill, can you please talk about that in another topic... here it's already a complicated situation to talk about, if we start talking about OT things, I think we're going straight in a "flame discussion" I'm quoting myself... it seems that a lot of people is concerned about contributing to the team without having access to ln2 cooling... so under here is my proposal. Is it worth a try, is it BS, what do you think about?
  2. Mmmh... the main concern here is that non-ln2 people will not contribute to the team total... So, Why don't count towards the team total, the best score and the best score "ambient temp". So, inside each team, there will be ln2-guys (in our team, we have 4 or 5 small subteams with ln2, dewar etc...) who "compete" for the best score, and the other guys who compete for the best "ambient temp" score. What do you think about that guys?
  3. I think that, apart from you idea (being pro rev4 or not), you should say clearly what you like and what you don't like, proposing alternatives and so on... It's worthless writing "I like the way it is, SOME things are ok, but the rest isn't"... ok, what is ok, what is not? I'm not in the staff, but I think they'll take under consideration hints and suggestions we eventually have, guys p.s: for the long awaits behind staff decisions, I must agree... I think we need more mods guys!
  4. Thanks for sharing sf3d! I don't have a gtx card to test but if I'll get one, I'll report
  5. Uh, another question: given that hw sharing is practically "defeated" in the new rev, would now be possible for the teams to buy common hw? I mean, in our team nobody has thousands of euros to "trash" in hw, so nobody, except for one guy, has a 980x which is a strong limiting factor. If we buy a 980x in 6 or 7 people togheter to share the expense, can we pass it each other to bench what we want, right? The only score that will earn points will be the higher... am I correct Pieter?
  6. So, if in a team there are 10x5870, only the best score in each benchmark will earn points? All the other submissions will simply remain in the DB, without gettint points, neither for the user nor for the team? Sounds great
  7. if it's an answer to my point in some posts ago, yeah, it's about fun, and that is why we're not going to pay 250euros for a videocard with which we can't compete because of we haven't a 980x, it's better to buy something else, maybe for the next competition, who knows The only chance is to do something with a cheaper gts450 This week, we're going to put under ln2 our 8800gts320, we hope to have fun with it
  8. Pieter, one last thing... in the non-extreme stage, the percentage calculation is based on gtx460/gts450 reference clocks or on the clocks of the version with which we play? so for example on a msi cyclone?
  9. asd, sounds good, but it's a little difficult task :D
  10. Yeah Pieter, I thought about that, I took a submission (I don't remember the user) with a 1.110+ MHz gpu at LN2... There aren't so many 460s over 1,1ghz, so it's almost impossible to beat them unless having a vga with a 1300+mhz gpu In 460 256bit category there are Hero, Icw33, ShockG, cowie and Lucky_noob all with vga@ln2, paired with a 980x... if only one of them joins with the 980x@phase and vga@ln2 as they already did, we're being blown away
  11. nope, I just calculated how much will a 975 score less than a 980x, keeping the same gpu score. The result is that, with a 975 clocked at 5133mhz against a 980x clocked at 5ghz (so, SURELY all of these, even the worst), we would loose around 1.400 points on the total score. We can't partecipate, this comp is for people with a 980x
  12. would it be possible to join in both the stages or we must choose extreme or non-extreme category? Are ES cpus allowed (not that I have one, just asking )? Thanks!
  13. And suppose that a user, after seeing that his submission is reported, will edit the screenshot or something like that... what does the mod see, in that case? The original submission or the edited one? Thanks
  14. hei, anybody out there guys?
  15. Hi guys, don't know if it's already implemented or not, but in the past when it happened that I was reporting some submissions for cheats, errors etc the problem was that, if the "reported user" arrived before the moderator, he could delete the entry before measures could be taken against him. So, if I report a submission in which there isn't the resolution and he deletes it, it's ok... but if someone reports a photoshopped screen, the photoshopper needs to be banned: if he deletes the entry, the mods can't simply go on. Isn't there some kind of mechanism that, when a submission is reported, it remains "freezed" until the mods could check and take measures about it? Thanks!
  16. ...maybe not: as I explained in another thread, in Hwproject.net, we have a simple way to avoid hw sharing: the best result with a piece of hardware is the only one which earns points... when a new "best" is submitted, the guy who owns the previous score will simply delete it. Here we have the scores submitted in the whole team with the 4890: http://hwbot.org/searchResults.do?direction=&applicationId=0&cpu=&numberOfProcessors=0&gpu=Radeon+HD+4890&numberOfVideocards=0&manufacturer=&chipset=&model=&memManufacturer=&memType=&memProduct=&minCpuFreq=&maxCpuFreq=&minGpuCoreFreq=&maxGpuCoreFreq=&minGpuMemFreq=&maxGpuMemFreq=&minMemFreq=&maxMemFreq=&countryId=0&teamId=1444&userName=&minScore=&maxScore=&displayAdvanced=false&filterBlocked=&filterUser=&filterVerification=&imageAttached=&dateFrom=&dateUntil=&system=&minTotalPoints=&gpuId=1475&cpuId=0&chipsetId=0&modelId=0&manufacturerId=0&memManufacturerId=&memProductId=&memTypeId=&offset=0 Take a look at the Aquamark results: the scores did with the "shared" vga are the mafio's and giukey's ones... the best score is the last from Mafio, so it's the only which should earn points... but even giukey has 1,5points... if you click his results, you'll see that it reports that giukey has checked the "do not partecipate in hwbot rankings" option for that result... So it's everything correct, no additional points from sharing... so, is it normal that it reports the points in the search tab?
  17. Yeah, actually in hwproject, we are passing each other the hardware but, the only submission that remains in the rankings and earns points, is the better one. When someone do a better result, the worst is deleted or marked as "not partecipating in hwbot rankings". That way we're sure that we'll have no probs but it's quite a disadvantage if other people passes each other a vga, a cpu or something... it's not a huge difference, but something counts towards the whole team...
  18. So Pieter, if I own an HD5870 for example, I bench with that vga, I submit a result for each of the 6 video benchs and then I sell it to a teammate that do the same with its hardware (I mean, his cpu, mobo, ram, psu, cooling method etc...) is allowed? Thanks for the info!
  19. Suggestion for the staff: when you'll have take a decision, let us know: that way we could know for the future what is allowed or not and what is the punishment for that... the rule isn't so clear, I think
  20. So Monstru, apart from that sad story about hiwa, andre and the others, if someone sells hardware to a teammate and both them submit scores (without deleting the worst result and keeping only the best in the various benchmarks), the mods will delete the submissions without punishing the seller or the buyer or both of them? Just asking to make me a clear idea on how the rule works, thanks.
  21. Massimiliano, I don't know if it's permitted or not by hwbot rules to sell hardware between team members and have both posting scores with it. So, if it's not permitted it's not crap, if it's allowed it's not crap at all, it's a user who asked clarification about screens, nothing different from other clarification asks in this forum.
  22. Hiwa's comment could mean that he sold the cpu to pippo... don't know if it's permitted or not by hwbot rules...
  23. Yeah, I'm quoting jor3llbr here. That link doesn't prove nothing. If you have proofs to clear out that these are 2 cpus, just post them, the mods will judge theirselves.
  24. Usually, you sign up by submitting a score in a stage. 3 questions: - given that we probably can't meet more than a time in July, can we do all the benches for example Sunday 4th July, and post them as soon as the stages will open? - Can we use different cpus for different stages? - The first two stages will end on the 15h of July... then, stage 3 and 4 will open on 17th and last until 24th. The last week, 24-31st July, is dedicated only to CPUz, is that correct? Thanks
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