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Everything posted by |ron

  1. If I'm not mistaken, advanced search would be present again in rev4.1, due for the 1st of July. Correct me if I'm wrong p.s: ops, sorry, posted togheter with christian
  2. I disagree, because if we separe amd from intel, than it would be fair to separe AMD from nvidia because the 6970 generation simply can't keep up with the gtx580, than we must separate Cedar Mills from other cpus in CPUz etc...etc... Amd isn't doing good cpus (talking about ipc, not price/value), then there would be less points until they release something good like the olg Athlon XP, athlon 64 etc..
  3. I searched, but I didn't find a button to retrieve lost password for a team mate account. Where is it? Thanks!
  4. Ahah! you need to add to your signature "in need of holidays"
  5. Uhm... Pieter, wasn't this comp supposed to last until 15th June? It's in the rules...
  6. I noticed that, if I click on my team in the rankings, it says "sorry the team doesn't exist" or something like that. But, if I add a "/" at the end of the link, it goes to the correct page. The same happens for all the teams which have ".net", ".it", ".org" in the end of their name, just like hwproject.net So, this doesn't work: http://uat.hwbot.org/team/hwproject.net But this is ok: http://uat.hwbot.org/team/hwproject.net/
  7. Given that nothing is written, I suppose yes, but anyway here is the question: we can partecipate using 1, 2, 3 o 4 videocards, in the different categories? So, no distinction is made basing on number of cards but only on gpu type (nvidia 200, nvidia 400 and radeon 4000). Thanks! edit: nevermind, already answered a few posts above, my fault
  8. I'm reporting a bug, maybe: I saw that my account on rev4 has almost all the benchmarks with the "do not partecipate in rankings" checked. Don't know if it's a transitory "issue", in that case ignore it Oh and while trying to uncheck this option, I noticed a few submissions without the "edit" button, maybe this is another bug.
  9. Hooray, so tomorrow morning we'll se the new beta
  10. Ehi chiller, I don't think rev4 isn't good, I have always been a Rev4 supporter just for the fact that HW Sharing isn't contributing SO MUCH in team points from now on. As of today, the only thing on which I disagree, is this no globals for cpuz issue.
  11. Ah ok, thanks Chris, I misunderstood something then. Anyway, I'm for the "give cpuz globals team" because every generation of VGAs, for instance, does higher scores than the old one in 3d benchs... it's easy to put 4xgtx580 with stock coolers with a ln2 cooled 980x@6ghz and take globals... it's harder to get a 4870 to 1110mhz gpu@ln2 togheter with the cpu, just to speak about our last submission. So, no globals for a 4870 in 3d benches (except for 01), but globals for a semi-stock rig with 4x400euros videocards. I think it's the same situation...
  12. If I'm not mistaken, CPUz will not get globals anymore... but Reference clock, for example, yes. So, to be coherent, if CPUz won't get globals, reference clock would not get them too because if the reason behind is "Cedar Mills can obviously run higher than Wolfdales", then the same thinking could be applied to Reference clock: getting 600fsb on a 965/p35/p45/x48 is easy, it's harder to get 255 BCLK on X58 but no points here because 600>>>>>255. Did I mess up something?
  13. Nono Pieter, I was referring to this one, the last with the 4870 at high freqs and with a non-alien cpu http://hwbot.org/community/submission/2159077_aoc_3dmark2001_se_radeon_hd_4870_120408_marks
  14. Didn't know that, Sam. I didn't do a comparative run, but this Monday we're going to do a run with our 4890, we'll try to use same frequencies, so we could quantify the "delta" between 4870 and 4890
  15. Quote for that, it's a PITA. It's the same with UD4 and UD5 -.-
  16. Nice run Pieter, but I think Nature is a bit slow... when I did the 3dm01 run with the 4870@1,110GHz gpu, I was at 1128fps... so probably here is the UD7 that limits the score, given that you have 200mhz more for the cpu and 40mhz more for the gpu. Can't you try this setup with an UD4 or UD5? I think you should get around 125K just by changing the mobo.
  17. Oh, just like a normal "air pressure" dewar, good!
  18. Ehi Pieter, how about evaporation ratio per day (or static hold time in days if you prefer)?
  19. Hei Sf3d, so everytime you're benching, you're paying about 10€/lt the LN2 even considering your (I suppose) huge consumption? It's a crazy price, haven't you found nothing better in Finland? I was complaining about the price here, that is about 1 or 2€/lt but now it seems a beautiful price
  20. Thanks Red, now it's your turn to make some disaster in the rankings Pieter, Coolbit's CPU has a problem with the MC, the 2133MHz memory multiplier doesn't work, or at least not in all the benchmarks. The biggest problem is the GPU: in the last 120K run we had 1130fps in nature, yesterday evening almost 70fps less, which is approx 1400points less. In fact, the goal was to achieve the 127K mark, but the chokes are almost gone: me and Mafio are planning to change them with something better in the future to see if we could have any improvement
  21. lol, nice little boy you got there
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