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Everything posted by Sweet

  1. Well done !! good web page rendering, I still this tweak, I don't do well I still have not learned well the advice of Denis of this tweak Sorry Denis, I have to try many times congratz
  2. Impossible, I did and it gives me error 10 again, is because I used the wrong key, next run I dont forget this key, and Thanks so much, for your key, I'm a fool.... OMG, or perhaps my memory starts to fail, because of my age
  3. I'm so sorry, El Gappo is right w/virus win here first screen , no tweak's bob here second screen virus scan The ORB is my faul, I placed by mistake, an invalid key
  4. Congratz "Master Bob" you deserve it really :banana: Un piacere avere nuovi e molto buono overclockers (nel mio cattivo italiano)
  5. Nice Seba, Nice !!! and now you can sleep :ws:
  6. Hi Mad i dont know why your submission dont have points, maybe bug I checked, but nothing, please delete and upload again this Score, thanks Sw
  7. Well .... nice score IMOG, a new stage for the PCMark begins ...four days without sleep
  8. Hi Draco , i fixed your score , bugged score, real is 755 Mhz, you can read this , here: http://www.xtremesystems.org/forums/showthread.php?199241-3-5-divider-on-X38-P35-X48-P45-is-broken-is-2-3-in-reality-on-400-strap& or here in Hwbot: http://hwbot.org/forum/showthread.php?t=32902 BR
  9. Yep, Bob's tweak work on Nvidia and Ati cards Msi 8600 Gts without tweak : 1800 win/s (almost) with Bob's tweak and Stelaras's Tweak: 11.873 win/s http://www.imagebam.com/image/a4778d175573696
  10. Try one more time, see this guys 11873.99 windows/s, with all in stock Sorry Stelaras, i dont pass 30 win/s in web page rend., by now Well i go to sleep, i'm yawning
  11. Hi Ronaldo, i dont know why, i think a bug, try recalculate ranking, at last delete and reupload this sumission Regards my friend
  12. Scrambled Bob's Tweak with your tweak (Stelara's tweak-move the mouse during the test) my 8600 Gts in stock mhz : 700/1050 mhz 1870 win/s With Stelaras's tweak : 2530 win/s Combining tweaks Bob and Stelaras: 5650 win/s Awesome
  13. Perhaps, in time, all the guys will know the tweak of bob. IMHO We should call this trick, Bob's tweak
  14. I cant see your submission. i think a bug, try recalculate ranking, at last delete this and reupload
  15. You are now back on the road, Nacho, keep pushing
  16. Yes, i know that, no problem
  17. Hi, dhenzjhen, cpu-z and P35, x38 and x48 divisor http://hwbot.org/forum/showthread.php?t=32902 Please read here 3:5 divisor bugged and here you can read more http://www.xtremesystems.org/forums/showthread.php?199241-3-5-divider-on-X38-P35-X48-P45-is-broken-is-2-3-in-reality-on-400-strap& BR
  18. Thanks so much Denis, perhaps could improve it with dice and 5870
  19. Impresive WR, congratz Denis !!, excellent transparent windows, btw !!
  20. Yep.....I know Sebas :battle:
  21. Bob Have found an amazing and clean tweak or trick, no doubt One of the best I've seen and it does not contradict any of the rules. This is a golden tweak Sw
  22. Thats true, No codecs , no drivers, nothing wrong in this tweak, I have already informed all staff, i dont try by now, but i think it is a clean tweak. Thank you Bob80, I see in you a very good and correct overclocker Sw
  23. Looks like, all hardware submission points in the OC league , for example, not only the top twenty
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